This ball is still amazing me! Everytime I use it, it gives me great length and some area when other people's stuff is overreacting... and I'm popping off 230's and 240's over and over.
Ball carries so great for such a "weak" core!
Ball is so good, I just won 2 auctions on EBAY from Jeff Ripic for 31.00 + shipping and 36.00 + shipping.
Only difference is the one that I'm currently using is the regular WILD, and the 2 that I just won are the WILD R/G/R version.
I hope they react the exact same way as the regular version!
There's been several 800's shot with the WILD, LuckyLefty's friend John Snowdon (I think that's his name) shot 851 and a couple of 300's... and Iketown300 (a guy on here) shot 802 and 300 with his... and a girl from, well I can't remember what state, she set the state record for women or something with a set of like 834 with her's... and there's been a few more... and maybe I'll be next?

Afterall, my other 2 800's this year were with Columbia balls.
I can't say enough GREAT things about it!
The roll of this thing on the lanes is so unbelieveable!
Oh, and does anybody know if this ball is still being made by Columbia? If not, do they have anything else coming out that will be a replacement for the WILD? In my opinion, the FEAR doesn't even come close! I hated that ball! And plus, it's not the same ball reaction as the WILD so it can't replace it.
Edited on 11/2/2004 10:32 PM