Its been a while since I have thrown/owned a Columbia 300 peice until the Momentum appered under my Christmas tree, I wasn't to sure on the 4000 finish it came in because no matter what I tried the ball would tell me to try again.
Long story short after I changed the surface to 1200 I saw just how much guts this ball has and I was impressed, but after last night in league using it on a flood (House caters the balls the house shop sells..Nsanes/Quests/you know what I'm talking about Willis) with a shiny 800 polished surface I was amazed. I credit myself and I credit the Momentum for the 738 set last night, had a better look than the oil beasts. Very predicatble and a good nugget....a real good nugget.
Columbia 300 has a winner with this one Good job guys!
Founder of H Phi H
Member of Hoss Central Inc
-Ive been called Cocky and Arrogant thorughout my career...Being humble is alright and all but I prefer to Shut my critics up and Shut'em Down and if that makes me Cocky and Arrogant then I am what I am- K.C.D
I don't care if my signature is long. Deal with it.