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Author Topic: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?  (Read 3446 times)


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Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« on: December 25, 2009, 01:28:50 PM »
Hey guys, I just got the word that my new equipment has come in at the pro-shop, so I'm going to head down tomorrow evening and punch some holes in everything.  I ordered a Freeze as a step down from my Hy-Road, and I was wondering... what layout do you think will suit this best?  I'm a lefty, my PAP is 6 inches over and a 1/2 inch up.  My rev-rate has never been measured, but let's just say I'm a tweener.

I was thinking about throwing a tamer drilling on this because everyone says that this ball is stronger than advertised.  Something along the lines of a 6 inch pin to PAP.
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"


the pooh

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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 10:19:34 PM »
I agree. The ball is much stronger than I ever would have thought. And I have mine at 5 1/2" pin under, no x-hole. You might consider pin up, especially with your pap. I also tried MANY surfaces, it was strong no matter what!
the pooh
the pooh


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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2009, 10:28:32 PM »
Freeze, great ball, and you won't find another ball on the market for the same price, that is this strong.

The three different color schemes make this ball a great choice
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2009, 09:28:58 AM »
If you go with a 6 " drill there is a good chance you will clip the holes, with that high of a track i would not go more then 5 1/2 and no pin under the finger drillings.

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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 10:04:43 AM »
I would keep the pin over the fingers and go somewhere between a 5" to 5 1/2" layout from you PAP
the ball is stronger than advertised
I just drilled one for my brother in law who is kind of a tweener/stroker
drilled it pin over ring finger CG stacked about 5" pin to PAP and it goes very long for him and the backend is kind of tame,
exactly what we were looking for
kept it OOB surface
how is your Hy Road drilled
and what difference are you looking for reaction wise ?


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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2009, 10:11:16 AM »
My Hyroad is going to be 4 1/2 x 4 pin up, we may hit it with a little surface.  I'm looking for a ball that fits under this.  And over a Natural (which I haven't gotten yet, but have been eyeing it up for some time).  I talked to my pro-shop guy and he suggested 5 1/2 pin to PAP, pin up.
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"


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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2010, 04:03:53 PM »
I have mine drilled with a 4x4 pin up. The ball flares a good amount and really moves, its a lot of ball for the price point. I do have to say though mine isn't that jumpy and my buddies is, his layout is a 5.5" pin up, his is almost hard to control it moves so hard. Just food for thought.

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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2010, 05:33:08 PM »
I do have to say though mine isn''t that jumpy and my buddies is, his layout is a 5.5" pin up, his is almost hard to control it moves so hard. Just food for thought.

I''ve run into this problem. I just drilled up a Freeze and decided on a 5 X 4 layout (pin above ring, cg straight down) and it''s super jumpy off of the dry. I''ve only thrown it 6-7 games so far, so maybe once it gets some oil in the ball it will calm down. Probably going to takeng it down to 1000 to see if I can tame down the backend.
Rob Stone Supporters of America!

Edited on 1/11/2010 6:33 PM


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Re: Got a Freeze, what layout do you recommend?
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2010, 02:10:32 PM »
I do have to say though mine isn''t that jumpy and my buddies is, his layout is a 5.5" pin up, his is almost hard to control it moves so hard. Just food for thought.

I''ve run into this problem. I just drilled up a Freeze and decided on a 5 X 4 layout (pin above ring, cg straight down) and it''s super jumpy off of the dry. I''ve only thrown it 6-7 games so far, so maybe once it gets some oil in the ball it will calm down. Probably going to takeng it down to 1000 to see if I can tame down the backend.
<font face=''Century Gothic''>Rob Stone Supporters of America!</font id=''Century Gothic''>

Edited on 1/11/2010 6:33 PM

I have great luck drilling it pin under and just right of RF,,  About 4 1/2 - 5 to PAP....  But instead of CG straight down... I laid it out as if the MB was 3" right of the thumb...  Strong hard arc... not jumpy...

An A-sym drilling on a sym. ball....