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Author Topic: help with hyde redrilling  (Read 928 times)


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help with hyde redrilling
« on: December 01, 2005, 02:06:05 AM »
i got a  hyde that is drilled  like this

it has a 2in pin  and had a 3 oz top

the ball is great but no matter where i move i hit high on 1/2 pin here is how i bowl  cranker high revs good speed around 16-17 mph and low track flar about 2 inch from finger holes was told i have a 45 dre angle on a ball. the house i bowl at has oil down to 42 feet and any thing out side 10 is dry with heavy oil in the middle and lighter as you go outside.  i am left handed and i stand around 25 and hit around 15 swing it out to around 13 i could hit that line all night long. my problem is with this ball it will go long and snap around 5-8 feet infront of the pins hit high on 1 or 3/6  or very little move  i am not a down and in bowler i tried and don't work to many revs.  i have three other balls drilled this way a track emb xf, a ebonite stiner 2 pice , and a ebonite jungle green. i can play all of them on the same line with a very hard snap at the back end.and same problem  but i got this hyde hoping it would help my avg go up. what would be a good drilling for this ball or any others i have. was thinking of addind a side hole to it. i have seen a coach my father inlaw is one and he is trying to help me on this the big thing is my revs he tells me we just can't seem to get any good pocket hits with this when i do it's a split or a sloid 7,5,10,4,6 he helps me out all the time but when it come to this can't figer it out. i don't want to side hole this ball to find out i could have just redrilled it another way.but i will try it once if it could work.



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Re: help with hyde redrilling
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 09:26:57 AM »