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Author Topic: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??  (Read 4254 times)


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Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:03:09 PM »
OK. First let me say this is the first non Storm/Roto ball I have drilled in quite some time. To be totally honeest I haven't really paid attention to what other companies offered for quite some time. I also just started working part time in my friends pro shop. I was going to drill up a Tropical Heat for a house that had been giving me problems with everything overreacting. He suggested I go with the Freeze saying it would be a little smoother on the back. I drilled it 4 5/8 x 4 5/8 with a 2 1/2" pin buffer. Man i'm glad I listened ti him. The ball just glides down the lane and makes a smooth and controllable arc. He informed me that the ball used the modified Messenger core and my eye's just lit up! The old green Messenger was one of my all time favorites. I personally would love to see a solid version of this ball come out. I think with a solid and pearl you could cover most any ths you would see. Sorry so long. Just wanted to show my love to a great product. Will not be my last Ebo produced product.



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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 08:43:24 PM »
I second that along with a urethane freeze


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 10:46:23 PM »
if they did that
nobody wouldnt buy the high end stuff!!!


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 01:00:05 PM »
Do not be scared to drill another one stronger and hit it with a 1000 abralon because it will give you that solid reaction without overreacting
Mike Dole
Columbia Amateur Staff
Tom Carters Bowlers Universe
Oak Lawn, IL Location

"Winners do what losers wont' even attempt"


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 03:27:34 PM »
no the current freeze does "NOT" like surface changes other than polish or no polish..

anyother surface the ball gets lost and hits like a wet noodle


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2010, 03:32:26 PM »
no the current freeze does "NOT" like surface changes other than polish or no polish..

anyother surface the ball gets lost and hits like a wet noodle

yep... one week after lots of games i finally was having a great ball reaction series above 690 and a 298...
then i cleaned it after like 40 games and the ball was very jumpy... tried a 2000 abralon then polish the ball became weaker.... then hit it with 500/1000/ polish and the ball now just work down and in... im gonna try a 500/2000/4000 no polish
UIA B.B.A Staff
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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2010, 06:58:56 PM »
Oddly, as much as I love the new Columbia stuff I found this to sadly be true with the Freeze. With the out of box finish it's one of the best balls ever made, but once I messed with the surface it's been nothing but over/under city since. Tried to take it back to box and the ball has never been the same. I'm about to give up on the ball, but on a good note I'm donating it to a youth bowler.


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2010, 07:09:50 PM »
I bought the Black Freeze the day it came out and put the surface to 2000 abralon before ever throwing the first shot. Undoubtedly one of the best balls I've ever thrown. Took away the skid/snap the ball characteristically has, and gave it a strong reaction and the ability to handle slightly higher volumes of oil. Since then, a former pro in the area has tried it and now carries 2 black, dulled freezes to every tournament. Just my opinion of course, but I don't think you can go wrong scuffing one up, it makes for a great ball.


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2010, 07:16:52 PM »
Oddly, as much as I love the new Columbia stuff I found this to sadly be true with the Freeze. With the out of box finish it's one of the best balls ever made, but once I messed with the surface it's been nothing but over/under city since. Tried to take it back to box and the ball has never been the same. I'm about to give up on the ball, but on a good note I'm donating it to a youth bowler.

granted i have a spinner but how i got mine back was... might be over kill but it looks great and its moving again.

Tan scotch brite (4sides)
400 grit wetsand (2 sides)
600 grit wetsand (2 sides)
800 grit wetsand (2 sides)
1000 grit wetsand (2sides)
1500 grit wetsand (2 sides)

Factory Finish 2 sides (drop the size just bigger than a nickle)
burned polish in on the other 4 sides of ball
then wipe down with simplegreen/alcohol on 4 sides.


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Re: Hey Columbia..How about a solid Freeze??
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 07:31:03 PM »
my freeze must be weird because on the intended condition with the OOB surface the ball is very smooth. it has the nice backend reaction that everyone is talking about but it also starts sooner and is nice and smooth. dont get me wrong it still gets plenty of length but mine doesnt just go 50 feet and go sideways
sacred heart university bowling, jr.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
balls for sale in my profile
everyone is born right handed, only the gifted overcome it