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Author Topic: High Flush  (Read 1043 times)


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High Flush
« on: February 01, 2008, 05:52:46 AM »
Do you think the Wrath High Flush is suited for dryer lanes. Again, i have alot of ball speed so i need a more powerful ball. I want to have the Resurgence, the Momentum, and possibly that Wrath High Flush for my arsenal. What are your thoughts?



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Re: High Flush
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2008, 08:41:45 PM »
From what i've seen, as i haven't thrown the ball, the Wrath HF is certainly not a weak ball.  Semi-strong cover that seems to clear the fronts very well and flip on the back.  If you mean dry as in a short pattern, it might be too jumpy, but if you are talking about a broken down medium or medium-hvy shot with multiple games and carry down, it should work.  There aren't too many people around here that throw the ball, so I can only speculate.

Barnes threw the ball, 19-20 mph speed, on the chameleon (38 ft.) on wood surface on a show a few weeks ago, and he played around the track, so it shows you the ball does need some oil to work.

Other balls to consider are the Bash, Clash, Rampage, Jazz, Scout, Power groove, Tropical storm, all of which get down the lane.

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