Since the Full Throttle has a duller surface, it will handle patterns that are oily all the way down better than the Detour. However, when there is a fresh backend, or any kind of backend, the Detour actually covers more boards than the Full Throttle does. When your Full Throttle is burning out, use the Detour to play the inside line. It's recovery is excellent and will give u great carry because it creates such a nice entry angle. I don't know about you, but when I have my Full Throttle out, I usually play the middle to the outside part of the lane, and when I switch to my Detour I actually have to move left in order not to hit brook. Of course what matters here is how they hit, so when you're running out of head oil, Detour is your choice. Hope that helps. One step down would probably be the Wired and then the Super Trooper.