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Author Topic: hyde vs. danger zone  (Read 1902 times)


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hyde vs. danger zone
« on: August 22, 2003, 10:28:45 PM »
which ball is better in hook and hit and carry.what kind of players are yall and which ball works best for the lane condition u use them on.i bowl on medium to heavy conditions which ball works do u guys have the two balls drilled?



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Re: hyde vs. danger zone
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2003, 02:23:58 PM »
Hey mr300,

Which Hyde you referring to?

The Shiny polished one or a Dull one?

I'll get back later and read the results,GOOD LUCK!!!

I had the Hyde,its ok,but I sold it the same day,not enough
backend for me.I may have thrown it wrong that day,plus mines was shiny(aka windex gloss,uggg).Its was a used ball I bought here at BR,umm I forgot the specs,sorry.

As for your danger zone,I only have the DZ2 or D 2 Z or something.

I can safely type that I heard good stuff about the Dull looking one(the Hyde).

BTW,did you know you have this post reversed? Meaning its up there twice with both ball names SWITCHED!

hyde vs danger zone?

danger zone vs hyde?

Thats all,thx



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Re: hyde vs. danger zone
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2003, 02:03:07 AM »
yes i did kno that i did that cause columbia300 makes the hyde so i put it first and brunswick made the danger zone and some people dont like columbia300 and some people dont like brunswick so i put them in both for faster esults and it dosent matter the surface of the hyde
bowling aint fun unless u bowling for money