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Author Topic: I am seeking opinions  (Read 4937 times)


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I am seeking opinions
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:34:18 PM »
I am currently rolling a Resurgence, and I absolutely love it.  The only problem I am having is the reaction with carry-down and the heads burning out.

The first game of my sets have had good reactions, and everything is pretty consistent.  The second game has been iffy if I am bowling with people who don't throw similar lines to myself, and in those cases, I completely lose reaction in the third game.

Now this is where I seek opinions... I don't have a ball I feel comfortable switching to in those situations because all of my equipment is old, and it is just as iffy.  So what I am looking at getting is either the Rival, Momentum, or High Flush.  I know all of those balls could be strong to start a set with as well as end with.

So any input any of you have would be much appreciated.



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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 10:57:39 PM »
well from what ive read about your situation, you have trouble with the lanes burning up too early for you to continue with the Resurgence. If you are biased about other companies, which to me, it seems you only like Columbia, I would go with either a Momentum(weaker drilling) or a High Flush with a similar drill to your Resurgence, or you could also go with a Storm Rapid Fire, any of those should work well
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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 11:16:01 PM »
Truthfully I am not biased like some people where I "swear by" a company.

I actually have several of the newer equipment from Brunswick (Twisted Fury) and Storm (Special Agent), neither of which I have really been able to comfortably figure out.

I have thrown Columbia for my entire bowling "career" because it has been predominantly available.  I have just found, both through experience and talking to friends on staff with other companies, that equipment from the same company has similar reactions and "properties" overall.

So I think just from throwing Columbia for as long as I have, I just feel the most comfortable with it.

And honestly I appreciate any criticism and comments from everyone.  Anything I can maybe learn and use to help better my game, I thoroughly appreciate.


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 01:28:22 AM »
I would look into getting the Rival. It would compliment you're Resurgence. I've been using the Rival on my PBA experience league. Both ball is a one, two punch. I still use my Big Shot once in a while, so my Resurgence is still in mint condition.


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 08:02:20 AM »
What I am curious about is what makes those three balls good for that situation?  I admit I have been bowling many years, but over the last couple have taken a great interest in learning more and more about the "whys" associated with some balls over others.

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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 08:54:15 AM »
I like the advice SVstar34 gave you. His idea just makes good sense.

I know the Rival was designed to be the complement to the Resurgence, but I have seen a lot of people throw the two, and in my opinion the Momentum would be a better option with a weaker drill. Somehow the Rival ends up being condition specific a lot of times.

However, even having said that.....I'll bet you could get the reaction you desire, just by changing the surface of one of the balls you already own. Remember, the strongest and easiest change to make, in bowling ball reaction is the cover of your ball. You might want to try that first, before you explore buying a new ball.
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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2008, 10:17:04 AM »
There may not be carrydown if the heads are breaking down, the Resurgence (especially with the OOB surface) will start rolling at your toe if there's no head oil, providing the illusion of carrydown when there really isn't any because it's a ball designed for heavy oil.  You can deal with this by using more ball speed and/or lofting it a bit more or by moving left into more oil provided other people in your league haven't broke that spot down.   A ball change is another option and I'd go with a Momentum or one of the Wraths (HF or DF) drilled with a weaker pin position to get down the lane better on the burn.  The Rival is a good complement to the Resurgence when there's still good head oil, but the Resurgence is hooking too hard on the backend.   I own a Resurgence, 2 Rivals, Momentum and a Wrath DF, and that's basically how I use them.

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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2008, 12:14:35 PM »
i just got a high flush and shot a 697 first time out with it


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2008, 01:36:46 PM »
This is the kind of information I have been looking for!  My lack of knowledge of the Rival and High Flush really are what caused my dilemma.

JJ -- I have tried altering the covers of some of my equipment, and the tendency lately has been spotty.  I don't know if I am not doing it properly, or just not taking it to the level I need to.  The Twisted Fury, I guess you can say, has a consistent reaction, although it isn't one I am comfortable with, and the Special Agent is about as iffy as it comes.  Outside of my Resurgence, the best reaction I get it out of my Track Heat2, which is about as surfaced as you can imagine.


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2008, 03:17:00 PM »
Personally, I think you're probably using equipment that's too aggressive for the conditions you're bowling on.  It works OK on the fresh, but when the head oil starts to go, it becomes inconsistent.  I would imagine that happening with the Resurgence, Twisted Fury and the Special Agent.  When you say you "surfaced" that Track Heat, do you mean that you sanded it?  If so, that's the absolute last thing you want to do on drier or broken down conditions.  Do you have any equipment that's polished,  because it'll give you a better look on medium to drier conditions because it'll get through the front part of the lane cleaner.  You might try to polish your Track Heat to see if that gives you a better reaction before committing to buying another bowling ball.  


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2008, 08:19:13 AM »
Yeah I have a couple of polished balls, Track Power Machine and Track Equation.  Here is my question on that, and again this comes from me trying to learn so I appreciate the patience, but on the synthetic lanes, at one of the two houses I bowl in (the other is wooden), those two polished balls seem to just slide and have minimal to no reaction downlane.  Am I doing something wrong in that regard?

And to answer the other question you brought up, yes my Heat2 is sanded.  I apologize for the difference in nomenclature; I just get used to what I hear around me here and adapt accordingly.


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2008, 01:26:11 AM »
I have the first Wrath.  I thought the Wrath was terrible until I used it on dry lanes.  I went from not carrying a single 10 pin to splinters everywhere.  My Wrath was drilled pretty close to my Resurgence (drilled for length and max hook).  This may be an ok option for you plus you can find them for pretty cheap.


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2008, 08:54:39 AM »
but on the synthetic lanes, at one of the two houses I bowl in (the other is wooden), those two polished balls seem to just slide and have minimal to no reaction downlane.  Am I doing something wrong in that regard?

The only thing you might be doing wrong is trying to use a ball with less surface (polished) when you need a ball with more surface (sanded) on the synthetic lanes.  Synthetic lanes are "slicker" than other words, wood has/creates more friction than the synthetics.  Using a ball with more surface (sanded) will be more beneficial on the synthetic lanes as a ball with more surface will read the lane sooner on the slicker surface.  Using a polished ball on the wooden lanes would probably be more beneficial since a polished ball will read the lane a bit later than a sanded ball on a lane with more friction.  Get it???
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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2008, 09:30:40 AM »
In general, bowling balls with more surface will read the lane (go into a roll) sooner and be smoother down the lane and polished bowling balls will read the lane later and be more angular downlane.   What is probably happening with your Resurgence (especially in a wood house) is that it's readling the lane immediately and doesn't have any energy left to hook downlane.  That ball is designed for heavier oil conditions and unless you change the surface, polish it or have massive ball speed (20+ mph), it'll hook way too early.  The Resurgence will probably be OK on the fresh, but will be trouble when it breaks down.  If you were to buy another ball, I'd go with a Momentum or a Wrath HF because the Rival will have similar problems with drier heads as the Resurgence.  The Momentum has the same core as the Resurgence, but has a pearlized coverstock to get the ball through the front part of the lane.  The Wrath HF would especially be good in the wood house you bowl in because it has a core that gets down the lane pretty easily, even when the heads don't have a ton of oil.

Edited on 4/11/2008 10:51 AM


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Re: I am seeking opinions
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2008, 09:55:22 AM »
See now much of this is making sense to me.

In my Wednesday league (wood-laned house), my Resurgence was definitely not right at all.  Then again nothing I owned was until the third game.  I moved way inside with the Resurgence, set the ball down inside, and got as much "umph" behind it as I could.  I definitely was near that 20+ mph range, and it was not fun.  Then again the lanes were just horrendous.  I really do not like houses that don't take care of their lanes.

But yeah that is all starting to make some sense to me.  I'm going to polish up one of my current pieces, but probably invest in a High Flush or Momentum as well.

A teammate of mine has a High Flush, and let me throw it once and I really liked its reaction.  I have seen a Momentum thrown by a guy with a similar rev rate and speed to me and it's nice as well.  You have got to love decisions!