Finally punched up my second Dead Flush, drilled pin above middle finger, cg below ring finger.
Once again, flatout amazing ball. Its just so forgiving...throwing it out, it reads the dry perfectly, never taking off too early. But on top of that, I pulled it a few times, and to my amazement, it just slid like a spare ball straight into the pocket. I thought it was gonna take of brooklyn, which any other ball I have would have done, but it stayed the course right into the pocket for a slightly high flush strike. Hits like it was made of lead, pins just flying absolutely everywhere.
I think they should change the name to "Dead Sexy" though, lol. Colors are amazing...
First set I go 226, 263, 237 for a nice 726 out of the box. Shot was freshly run 39ft THS.
If you havent gotten this ball by now, DO IT.
For those who dont know, I have been a Brunswick loyal for 7 or 8 years. Every now and then, I buy a non-brunswick ball just to be different every now and then. I still love brunswick, but I can honestly say that I am VERY IMPRESSED with Columbia's Dead Flush. I will definitely be watching some of Columbias new products...Kudos to Columbia on this one though.
Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
St. Matthews, KY
All the New gear, All right here!
Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002, 2003, and 2008
Pimpin ain't easy-it's mandatory.