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Author Topic: ICON300 vs. Ebonite V2 Strong  (Read 2210 times)


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ICON300 vs. Ebonite V2 Strong
« on: October 13, 2003, 04:21:11 PM »
i´m a bowler  from germany so please excuse my bad english.

i´m using columbia´s jekyll and hyde and i love them.
to make my setup complete i bought an x-factor deuce and it was a mistake.
my hyde hooks much more on all conditions i used them.
every time i bought no columbia i didn´t liked the balls.
to complete my setup i want a ball for a long heavy oil pattern where the hyde is not enough.

i read a lot of good things about the v2 strong and i would like to try it but how told every time i uan other labe than columbia i wasn´t satisfied.

does someone haan idea what to do or does someone had the same "problem" ?

avg. 195
fingers at 5 o´clock behind the ball med. speed med. revs  high track on the ball.



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Re: ICON300 vs. Ebonite V2 Strong
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2003, 12:27:57 PM »
Although I've never had much luck with Ebonite, I was paired up with a lefty for a big scratch tournament last month.  The outsides had much more oil than we usually see.  She used the V2 strong when the shot was fresh.  Very good looking ball in her hands.  It still had medium length (not a roll at your toes like the Icon300, nor a "length" oil ball like the Phenom) and a very strong continuous roll.

If you want to stay with Columbia, you can consider the Throttle (not the Throttle-R which is a shiny resin ball), or maybe the WOW or the Icon300 depending on the hook shape you want.  Columbia also manufactures Track, so you have several good choices there as well (Freak, SuperFreak, Mutant, Phenom...).
Penn State Proud


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Re: ICON300 vs. Ebonite V2 Strong
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2003, 02:53:33 AM »
hi strider,

in germany the track balls are extrem expensive. the phenom for example is with 280-300 euro one of the most expensive balls we can get. the v2 strong is 195 euro, the icon300 210 euro and the throttle 230 euro.
(euro to dollar close to 1:1 )
in northern germany there are just a few guys playing track because track is not so popular here.

thanx for your help