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Author Topic: Interesting practice session with the WILD. And Questions.  (Read 1498 times)


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Interesting practice session with the WILD. And Questions.
« on: June 29, 2005, 03:19:42 PM »
Tonight I just ended a 2 1/2hr practice session with an assortment of Columbia equipment.  The lanes in this particular house usually have a super high concentration of oil from 7-7(Pulled shots will go straight and washout or hit the pocket very messy, shots bounced out early to the dry come back like someone kicked it to go through the nose) so finding the "Right" breakpoint to enable you to come in flush is pretty crucial when the lanes are fresh.  This forces many bowlers to migrate right with a very aggressive ball in order to maximize your area(missed shots right still hit the pocket, pulled shots inside with an aggressive ball generates just enough flare and continuous arc to cut through the flood of oil in the middle).

I bowled about 20-30 warmup shots cyclying through balls on 3 different lines
-Playing direct and firm in the dry around 1st arrow and out
-Playing a small swing with a firmer speed and higher revolutions from 12-10 to 7-5 at the break
-Paraelling myself in the oil with a firmer hand and higher revolutions playing direct and inside of 10

Here were the suprising results, the Ricochet Rebound seemed to match up well with lines on 2 and 3, just provided too much early hook which didn't suprise me.  My Sport ball seemed to handle every shot very well, but had major carry issues on lines 2 and 3.  I attributed that to the axis type drilling I have in it(1 1/2" pin to PAP) and the matte finish.  And my Hybrid shell test ball was money from the 1st line, couldn't miss flush if I tried, but on lines 2 and 3 the ball just wouldn't turn the corner(can be attributed to the Urethane base for the shell of the ball).  

Then out of nowhere comes a guy that I gave my Wild to about 4 months ago and he shows me the ball I gave him and goes "Remember this ball?  Look it cracked all the way around" and sure enough there was a crack from the middle finger(starting at the old plug) all the way around the ball to the ring finger.  He was about to throw the ball into the dumpster but I told him to hold on and let me throw it a few shots.  I threw a couple of shots just to get the feeling with the ball, wasn't really looking at anything in particular and the ball came screaming back from multiple angles like someone kicked it to pound the hole the first 3 shots.  I thought it was pretty weird because I never remember my Wild turning the corner this hard(drilled pin 3 1/2 from PAP, C.G. under the middle finger, weighthole in NEGATIVE finger quadrant).  So I turn on the computer to go into scoring mode and I tried a whole game on each of the three lines I was practicing and this Wild with a fracture around the entire ball was giving me a look on the lanes I haven't seen in a long time from any ball.  Late, sharp, strong entry angle making for all sorts of pin crushing strikes and flying messengers(from every angle, even up the boards in all of that soup in the middle).  Before I knew it, I was 4 games in with games of 226-248-224-253 with the Wild.  I'm still not sure how on such a condition a High R.G. medium differential highly polished solid 3-Piece ball gave me the best look on three distinctly different lines.  

I was thinking about trying a Scout Hi-Flare(Particle Version), but after tonight, I might be tempted to punch up a Wild or the Scout equivalent with the same exact drilling just to have that "Push-Push-Push-----SCREAM on the backend" type of reaction in my bag that I do not have now.

To the Columbia throwers and staffers do you think a Backyard Bully with the same drilling would give me the same type of reaction, just a little bit more on the backend or since I like this reaction so much just to go with another Wild, Scout, or Hi Flare Scout since this one is cracked all the way around?
Respect the Game

Edited on 6/29/2005 11:14 PM

Edited on 6/29/2005 11:15 PM



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Re: Interesting practice session with the WILD. And Questions.
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2005, 09:18:39 AM »
I just threw my Backyard last night for the first time. I know the first few games isn't enough to get a read on the ball and how it reacts but here's my opinion. I'll be comparing it to the Absolute(5 inches to PAP, CG about 1clock from center of grip. The Backyard is drilled similarly save the CG is about less than an inch below the ring finger as it was only 2 inch pin. Here at my lanes, I think it is a 38-40 ft medium oil with semi-clean backend shot. I think it is not strong enough to get into a strong roll on the fresh shot without playing really tight. My Absolute normally allows me to play 25 out to 10 or so. With the Backyard, I was playing 17 out to around 13. It didn't read the midlane at all and saved all the energy for the pins. I cant comment enough on how well the ball carried and continued through the pins. What looked like a definate 10 pin turned out to be a strike.

Now, to your question, there's a few people with Wilds around our house. In the right hands, those balls could fair very well here. I think all big backend balls work wonders here...But given your condition, this ball might work well playing in the dry like 1rst arrow like your first line stated above or the second line. But this ball definately needs dry to move and lots of it.  I figure this ball would be hard-to-beat on light oil and broken down patterns. That's my opinion, but that's just me.

So many bowling balls...So little time.

Edited on 6/30/2005 9:13 AM


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Re: Interesting practice session with the WILD. And Questions.
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2005, 09:48:17 AM »
I can tell you from watching my driller that the Scout is a dahm good ball! I never have to get low-end equipment (cause of my release), but since he hits up on the ball alot...I mean A LOT, he used one for a long time. Now keep in mind, that he's the manager of the bowling alley AND main driller in pro shop. He can have ANY U.S. ball in production or recently discontinued, and he would always carry: Scout/R, Sonic X pearl, Pioneer, and a Cherry Pearl Messenger. His scout rolled phenomenal...

Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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