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Author Topic: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil  (Read 3464 times)


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Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:21:33 PM »
Thinking about dumping my Disturbed.  Is my old Oath enough ball in case I hit heavy oil in a tournament ? Drilled pin down. I give up on Disturbed. Hits like garbage.



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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 10:22:04 PM »
check out this spreadsheet
Oath was released in 2012

Definitely a heavy oil ball
solid symmetric piece, arcing and predictable
i was using mine on a 47' sport pattern last night
its pin up and rollls great
if its heavy oil, you most likely would have to square up and play straighter to start
2000 dull is the OBB finish, keep the surface clean and it will perform well for you


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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 10:46:43 PM »
Thank you!!  I have tried every surface imaginable on my Disturbed and it still gives me no room at all. Oath is now at 2000 polish but I will take to OOB for oil. Always liked the ball but wanted to try Roto Grip for a change. Dumb mistake!!


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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2014, 10:53:17 PM »
notice in the BTM review, the testers rated this ball highest on the heavy oil pattern
i actually have mine at 2000 + polish.
I am learning more about my game and trying to become better at rolling the ball properly which allows me to use less surface (sometimes)
to much surface runs the risk of burning up the heads on the surfaces and patterns I see.
Good luck, you might want to do a resurface if it has alot of games on it


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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2014, 12:19:33 AM »
Obviously with all the Disturbed issues you are not bowling in heavy oil. Please take a video of you throwing the ball and maybe we can help. Can't bad mouth the ball especially one that most people love until you actually know what the issue is.
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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2014, 10:28:20 AM »
I have changed surface on Disturbed 3 times.  I also have used the ball at 7 different houses since I bought it. Some wood,some synthetic. There has been oil at some of the houses and the ball still either jumps through face or limps to pocket. I never have bought a dud before but this ball sure seems like one to me. For whatever reason I just don'y match up with this ball. Going to my pro Shop Tuesday and have Jack Jurek watch me throw it and see what he thinks. He said he loved his 1st one but didn't like the 2nd one he got. It happens!! I know Roto Grip puts out some great equipment but this one is not for me.


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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2014, 10:30:48 AM »
time to move on
way to many games lost to this ball
happens with any brand


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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2014, 10:34:26 AM »
AGREED!!  I am just way too stubborn some times!! I usually can fine tune a ball and get it to work but not this one. 


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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2014, 01:44:12 PM »
Obviously with all the Disturbed issues you are not bowling in heavy oil. Please take a video of you throwing the ball and maybe we can help. Can't bad mouth the ball especially one that most people love until you actually know what the issue is.

This, youre the second person I know who says this ball "doesnt hit" versus the 50+ people who love it. Hey, maybe you dont matchup with it.
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Re: Is the Oath enough for heavy oil
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2014, 05:37:40 PM »
Thanks!! It happens sometimes.  You don't always pick the right ball. 1st miss by my pro shop guy in many years. He is only human. Practicing with him Monday . He wants to see ball movement. Talking about changing ball from 4000 abralon to 2000 polish. Maybe even 3000 or 4000 polish before I give up on ball. If that don't work I give up on my Disturbed.