I need some advice from the ball drillers out there.
I have a right handed female friend 195+ average who recently purchased a 14lb C300 Crazy Antics and a 14lb C300 Takedown. She is very happy with the Takedown but not the Antics. I watched her bowl and the release is the same for both balls but the Takedown revs up quicker and she is much more comfortable with that. I checked the RG and differential on both balls. Even though they are the same, they have different cores. Her ball speed is 12.9 to 13.10 at the pins and she comes around the ball. Good classic form from college. The difference between the two is the drill. I do not know why the drills were selected, but the Takedown pin is above the ring finger and the Antics is off label to the left and the pin is about 3-4 inches to the right of the ring finger. Both have about a 3/4 dia weight hole in the P3 position. How can we redrill the Antics to rev up quicker and faster like the Takedown?