Wow...thanks for all the well wishes!
Six- I've lurked for the past several months, so I've seen a lot of the negativity. I kept visiting the site because it seemed to be the best way to find out about new releases, and there are a lot of great guys still on the site. I'm sure someone will get on me at some point (we're bowling on Shark tomorrow, and it's my least favorite pattern, so if you guys want to get in some early shots, this could be your first opportunity

)...but I'll try to keep everything in perspective.
I'm really looking forward to the new equipment. I'm just like the rest of you guys; I love drilling up new stuff. I can't imagine how great it's going to be to drill three new balls at the same time.
By the way...I met Carl (of Track fame) at a trade show last weekend. He's an awesome guy...a really great representative for the Track brand.
Justdale- Iroquois Lanes is off Exit 29 on I-90, Canajoharie. It's an 8-lane center, SPL's, a better restaurant than your standard bowling center. Are you still in the Utica area? (By the way, I think Kingpin in Rome is one of the best centers around.)
LuckyLefty- O-Zone. It referred to a fake Brunswick ball that I designed when I was a teenager...I probably still have the hand-drawn flyer somewhere. I mainly posted on the Track forum. How do you know Bill Ray?
Mycroft- If we had internet access, I would be checking on my fantasy baseball/football teams 24/7. I'd never get anything done!
Since it's a small center, there's me and two other guys that are really into bowling. (And a bunch of restaurant staff.) When we're looking for something to do, we read past bowling magazines. Over, and over, and over. It's like a birthday every time a new one arrives in the mail!
I'm out for now guys...Shark pattern tomorrow, but it'll be Cheetah in my dreams tonight...

Jeff Voght
Owner, Iroquois Lanes and Restaurant
PBA Eastern Region Member