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Author Topic: lane conditions for Action  (Read 3655 times)


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lane conditions for Action
« on: April 30, 2006, 12:15:43 PM »
I have been bowling with a 15 lb detour, drilled aggressive like brunswick 1e pattern.  I have been bowling about 2-1/2 months after a 20 year absence. Am currently averaging about 180.  On medium oil I have been scoring much higher with detour, with 6 games in last two weeks over 200 up to 235, 237.  I have a lot of ball speed, not too many revs. I bowl outside stand with right foot on 8, usually target 5.  The detour strikes well here.  I just started a thursday night league with a lot of oil, and couldn't get a ball reaction first two games. I just tried to keep it in play and tried to pick up oil out of my line. Third game ball worked and had 7 strikes.  So I bought an Action and had it drilled same way.  The ball driller suggested standing at 22 and targeting 3rd arrow.  I really struggled on league night.  Afterwards, I got another lane and tried outside, got 2 strikes first two balls with the action.Knowing this, if someone is really familiar with Columbia balls, should I sand the cover down to 1000 or 800 grit, or is there another ball that would be better to throw down and in on heavy oil?  I tried to practice today with Action but the house I went to was too dry.  The further left I went I still threw brooklyn using third arrow.  The detour was striking standing right foot at 12 targeting 4-5.  I know I wrote a novel, but am seriously trying to improve my game, and would welcome knowlegeable advice.  I noticed a couple of you guys have some good posts on Columia 300 forum.  Thanks,




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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2006, 08:44:41 PM »
polish it up and use for dry lane

Honestly I got a lot of balls. No NOT BOWLING BALLS! Bowling with 99.99% Luck and 0.01 % skill!!


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2006, 10:56:56 PM »
the Action is for medium to heavy oil... its not a traditional heavy oil ball.

try an EPX-T1 by columbia
or a BIG ONE by Ebonite

the EPX-T1 is a new epoxy technology and you need to read this to under stand what it does and why its the best break through in bowling since reactive resin
Currently in the bag:

EPX-T1 - Stacked Leverage - Heavy oil
Action - Stacked Leverage - Heavy to Medium
Inferno - 1:30 Label - Medium
Smoking Inferno - 11:00 drill - Medium to Dry
White Dot - Spare ball


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2006, 11:15:26 PM »
Thanks, Crankin Inferno.  I like the way the ball rolls, and the way it carried at the house with too dry conditions shows when I find the right oil match up it will be a good ball.

I'm just not used to bowling on a fresh heavy shot. I have been throwing through the breakpoint.  Of the five houses I bowl at, only one really puts the oil down.



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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 10:42:14 AM »
Marker could you tell us a bit more about the houses that you are throwing in.  Mainly the lane surface.  Also one note for you on the Action it is more important to keep the ball clean the M80 cover soaks up more oil then the Super-Flex.  Knowing that you have speed dominate my first suggestion would be to slow your ball speed down a touch when you discover heavier oil patterns.  I have adjusted the cover on my action to 1000 grit which gave it a stronger mid lane read but has also made the Action very sensitive of burning up with dry back ends.  But has worked great for getting through carrydown in the house I bowl in.

Yes I am a Lefty
Good scores to all  Elliott
Arsenal:=Columbia-Action, U-turn Pearl,Super Trooper, Scout Reactive, White Dot
Highest series 718 done 4 weeks before shoulder surgery
Highest series after surgery to date: 739 done 2-23-06
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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 10:55:42 AM »
The Action will probably only force you in a few boards deeper than your Detour...depending on your drilling and surface.

You made too dramatic a move in your league as recommended by your ball driller.

I would split the difference and if the ball still doesn't come up...split it again.

Remember the lane and the ball talk to you.

A practice session finding out how different the Action and Detour outside of league would not hurt you!

Often throwing up the same line with the Action and seeing how far it crosses over and then making a series of 2 and 1 moves is one method of finding this difference.

Remember once you find this often starts to narrow on oily conditions and get greater on dryer conditions.

Good Lucky

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 11:34:26 AM »
Thanks for the replies, Boa Elf and Lucky Lefty.  I will try to find out more technical info on the lanes.  The league with fresh oil is about 25 year old wood lanes.  But they really take good care of them.  They close for two weeks every summer to refinish.  They always have fresh oil for leagues.  I don't know what kind of pattern they use but I will ask them.  The other places I  bowl I haven't used the action yet, except for the dry wood lanes yesterday.  
The other places one is known for a tought shot, usually reverse block.  If you target 2-3 from outside, you are going to end up hitting a 10 pin.  But if I target 5, I hit the pocket.  If it really burns up, I'll play inside, use 3rd arrow.  Another house I bowl at is also wood, fairly dry.  I have a problem with Detour hooking too much and rolling out, so I bought a Flipside Panic for there, haven't had a chance to try it yet.  I will try cutting ball speed and the two to 1 adjustments.  Thanks, Marker


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 11:48:40 AM »
ONe doesn't need to know all that stuff.

Just throw on the Detour line and if it crosses over...move a tad.

A 4 board difference with your feet would be a difference of the magnitude I would expect.

So that would mean say 4 boards inside with feet and 2 boards different with eyes at arrows.  Ending at the same breakpoint!


PS many bowlers have an arsenal of about 4 balls that they move about 2 to 3 boards for each one.  Maybe 8 to 12 boards different with their feet from the strongest all the way to the weakest.  Your moves are too dramatic....probably!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 5/1/2006 12:21 PM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 01:05:43 PM »
Lefty hit this one on the nose.

It's all on oil condition, lane condition (wood, synth, mix, age, etc), and your style.

4-ball arsenals are great, but that's about all you should need.  Each ball can cover a ton of different conditions.

Everyone else is also right on what the Action is made for...medium-heavy.

If you hit real soup, nothing is gonna move but maybe an EPX...if you can find one now.

I know I'm going cross-promotional on this one, but for the soup (if you find any), take a look at Storm and Roto-Grip.  The Passion (though heavy on the wallet) is worth a look, and for a little cheaper, the Epic Battle is amazing.
Lightning strikes at the oddest times...

My high game?  Two 300's...within two weeks of each other.

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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 06:24:01 PM »
Thanks again for the replies. Lucky Lefty, what you wrote earlier sunk in while I was at work today.  I wrote myself a note to try 12 to 7 with the Action. I see what you are getting at. And I think I will do better trying to stick to "my game" with these kind of adjustments, instead of radical changes.
I'll take your advice and let you know how it worked.


Edited on 5/1/2006 9:00 PM


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2006, 10:13:41 PM »
Lucky I think has hit this very well of making to much of a move to quick.  For the Detour moving to much.  The Action may work well with as lucky said 2-3 board difference.  As the Detour will hook more in the back then the Action but the Action will do more through the mid lane.  Being the Fact you are on wood.  You will find the the oil stays longer in the heads to where you are not having to move to much.  You may find the Action will be a good starting ball for the medium heavy oil wood house and go to your Detour 2-3 boards inside when the heads start to dry as the Detour will head through the heads a touch better.  

Also the Detour cover stock is one of the easiest for adjustments.  The super-Flex solid cover responded well to sanding and polishing.

Yes I am a Lefty
Good scores to all  Elliott
Arsenal:=Columbia-Action, U-turn Pearl,Super Trooper, Scout Reactive, White Dot
Highest series 718 done 4 weeks before shoulder surgery
Highest series after surgery to date: 739 done 2-23-06
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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2006, 10:05:40 PM »
Just to give you guys an update. I practiced tonight on a fresh lane at an old house with wore out wood lanes that need resurfacing.  Last time I was there I threw Detour right foot on 8, targeted 5 and did real well.  So I took your advice Lucky Lefty, and started with Action same line to see how it reacted. First ball went brooklyn, so I moved to right foot on 10 still targeting 5.  Next two balls were strikes!  Fourth ball flagged head pin, and I remembered BOA ELF's suggestion to slow ball down. Another strike.  These were just practice frames. Of first six balls 4 were strikes.  I bowled a 197 where last 5 of 7 balls were strikes second game. Six strikes total in that game.  First game was 185.  I went from 10 to 5, 12 to 6, and ended up right foot on 12 targeting 5 as heads dried out.  Last game was just too dry in heads so I used Detour to bowl a 180 with two open frames. With the Detour I was standing right foot on 8 to 9, targeting 5.  

Thank you to Cranking Inferno for recommending this ball. It really rolls well. I am not a very experienced bowler but this ball gives confidence, is predictable and carries very well. I only left one 10 pin in 30 frames.  On light pocket hits it carries.  You think one pin is going to remain standing then it just falls over.  On flush pocket hits, the pins are just swept into pit.  Maybe it doesn't look spectacular but the ball does the job and just pushes the pins into the pit! The detour really sends the pins flying on strikes. But it also leaves a lot of 10 pins on light hits. I guess the 10 in the pit is the only thing that matters, not what the pins look like on the way there.
Thanks also to BOA ELF for your responses and especially suggestion to slow ball speed. And finally, Lucky Lefty, I can't thank you enough for your advice. It is like having a private coach.  What you explained to me really opened my eyes and gave me a fun practice night.  I stayed with the Action and kept making adjustments to learn, and your input was greatly appreciated.
This ball rolls so well I even threw a lot of my spares with it, even though I always throw a hard straight ball at spares. It was money well spent and I am looking forward to league night now.  Thanks to all who replied.  You guys make a difference!!!  


Edited on 5/2/2006 10:19 PM


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2006, 10:53:55 PM »
Nice comments...glad there was some help ...thank you...continued good improvement!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: lane conditions for Action
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2006, 06:45:05 AM »
thank you for the good comments.  Always glad to help when I can.

Yes I am a Lefty
Good scores to all  Elliott
Arsenal:=Columbia-Action, U-turn Pearl,Super Trooper, Scout Reactive, White Dot
Highest series 718 done 4 weeks before shoulder surgery
Highest series after surgery to date: 739 done 2-23-06
Highest sanctioned series ever 739