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Author Topic: last two columbia covered balls  (Read 4838 times)


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last two columbia covered balls
« on: March 23, 2007, 01:57:49 AM »
I would not normally post in this forum, but as many know the last two columbia produced balls are rolling off the floor as we speak, lane #1 evolution and nebula are the last two balls to ever be produced by columbia in that facility
not sure if any of you are interested but I do have them for sale and if you are interested in what the "bleeder" stock on them is, drop me a note and we can talk about it

great pre order price if interested


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby



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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 04:08:16 PM »
I would not normally post in this forum, but as many know the last two columbia produced balls are rolling off the floor as we speak, lane #1 evolution and nebula are the last two balls to ever be produced by columbia in that facility
not sure if any of you are interested but I do have them for sale and if you are interested in what the "bleeder" stock on them is, drop me a note and we can talk about it

great pre order price if interested


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

heard from dist. today,    that they will now be making white dots.


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 05:31:07 PM »
i hear next year look for a new columbia name
Yo Yo Yo Mo Fo


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 06:02:23 PM »
I would not normally post in this forum, but as many know the last two columbia produced balls are rolling off the floor as we speak, lane #1 evolution and nebula are the last two balls to ever be produced by columbia in that facility
not sure if any of you are interested but I do have them for sale and if you are interested in what the "bleeder" stock on them is, drop me a note and we can talk about it

great pre order price if interested


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

what i don't understand is this.   there is a shortage of premium balls right now since ebonite bought columbia.  many top columbia and track are sold out.
and we know what happened to the phoenix.

now they are making plastic balls at the columbia plant.   hello is anyone home here.   seems to me that they could have been making top line balls the last two months,   and now they are making plastic balls????

as i said,  many top line models are sold out.  and feb. and march are still good months for top line ball sales.

i understand ebonite not wanting to make these balls at their plant.  but really don't understand why they did not fill some shortages on these models from the columbia plant.

and now they are making plastic balls.

the people on the assembly line make the same wage whether they are making a high end ball, or a low end plastic ball.

and with a big time shortage of high end balls.  why are they making plastic
non profit balls????

go figure.  

go figure.


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2007, 12:20:06 AM »
I would not normally post in this forum, but as many know the last two columbia produced balls are rolling off the floor as we speak, lane #1 evolution and nebula are the last two balls to ever be produced by columbia in that facility
not sure if any of you are interested but I do have them for sale and if you are interested in what the "bleeder" stock on them is, drop me a note and we can talk about it

great pre order price if interested


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

what i don't understand is this.   there is a shortage of premium balls right now since ebonite bought columbia.  many top columbia and track are sold out.
and we know what happened to the phoenix.

now they are making plastic balls at the columbia plant.   hello is anyone home here.   seems to me that they could have been making top line balls the last two months,   and now they are making plastic balls????

as i said,  many top line models are sold out.  and feb. and march are still good months for top line ball sales.

i understand ebonite not wanting to make these balls at their plant.  but really don't understand why they did not fill some shortages on these models from the columbia plant.

and now they are making plastic balls.

the people on the assembly line make the same wage whether they are making a high end ball, or a low end plastic ball.

and with a big time shortage of high end balls.  why are they making plastic
non profit balls????

go figure.  

go figure.

JLS, if you were just soo smart as you think you are, you would reason that more White Dots are sold than any other performance bowling ball.
"Do you NV me?"
Ebonite Total NV Storm Special Agent
Morich Seek and Destroy Ebonite Smash Time Pearl
Storm Pyro Ebonite WhirlWind
"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2007, 12:30:48 AM »
white dots FLY off the shelves...same with ALL plastic balls...more and more people are buying plastic...not the 250 dollar high line balls
RYAN MCDANIEL...Northern Illinois University bowling


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2007, 09:21:26 AM »
THE CRANK, don't take this wrong.   i agree with you about plastic balls.
and entry level balls like scouts and tornado's.

but in ball manufacturing,  there is little or no profit in plastic balls.
the ball companies make their money on mid to high end models.

the people working on the assembly line make the same wage no matter what ball they are making.  now commonsense would say,  if your short on high end models and your short on plastic,  kinda thinking you would want to make the high end more profitable balls.

of course,  i am not as smart as you high school students.  by the way,  whats the passing curve now a days???  in my day it was 75%,  what is it today? about 58-60%???   heard recently on the radio that more high school students are passing the test!!!!  but then they went on to say that the curve is at an all time low.  

sure we need plastic!!!!   but the point i was making was that normally plastic
and low end balls are made after the high end balls are produced.  it's called down time.
since feb. there has been a shortage of highend models.  not just columbia and track,  but with ebonite also.

we have 18 holes on the wall were normally mid to highend balls would be.
can't get them,  sold out or not being made.  that is my point "crank".
with so many high end balls being in short supply,  one would think ebonite would have had some of these made during feb. and march.  which are still good ball sales months.

and again sir,   there is little profit made on a plastic ball by the ball companies.   that's basic 101.  

and your right,  i am not as smart.  but i was told many many years ago that
ball companies relay on the mid to highend models to make a profit.

thanks for your rude comments mr crank.

you see some of us have been in the pro shop business for more then 3 weeks!!!


Edited on 3/30/2007 9:22 AM

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:14 AM

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:15 AM


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2007, 09:26:02 AM »
white dots FLY off the shelves...same with ALL plastic balls...more and more people are buying plastic...not the 250 dollar high line balls
RYAN MCDANIEL...Northern Illinois University bowling


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!

sir,   so far this week,  84% of all the balls we sold.   were mid to highend.
only 16% were low end models.  and by that i mean like scouts and tornados and white dots.


Edited on 3/30/2007 9:28 AM


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2007, 09:38:31 AM »
To my knowledge, Brunswick has not produced plastic balls for months and will not be delivering any for another 3-4 months yet.  I would say that Columbia/Ebonite producing White Dots at a high rate would be a good idea.  If you can't get a Target Zone, the next comparable item is a Maxim/White Dot.  They probably have the entire plastic-ball market right now if the rest of the country is like it is here.  You can't find many Target Zones here, haven't been able to in a few months.
J. J. Mastny
Men's Head Coach
UNO Mavericks Bowling
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2007, 10:04:44 AM »
To my knowledge, Brunswick has not produced plastic balls for months and will not be delivering any for another 3-4 months yet.  I would say that Columbia/Ebonite producing White Dots at a high rate would be a good idea.  If you can't get a Target Zone, the next comparable item is a Maxim/White Dot.  They probably have the entire plastic-ball market right now if the rest of the country is like it is here.  You can't find many Target Zones here, haven't been able to in a few months.
J. J. Mastny
Men's Head Coach
UNO Mavericks Bowling

ok  good point sir.   you are 100 % right,  there is a shortage of t-zones.
but we do have a good supply of the following.  fury, total inferno, scorchin inferno, mammoth.  

so to me this means brunswick is making their mid to high end balls first.
why you ask???  could it be that there is no profit in plastic???  kinda thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i do not ever remember a single month when plastic ball sales came close to mid to high end ball sales.

a few saturdays ago,  we sold 16 new balls. { not bad for a small pro shop }
6 were high end, 6 were mid price, and 4 were entry level, and we sold no plastic balls that day.

now gentlemen.  yes there is a need for plastic. but titleist makes the pro v1 before it makes the solo.  $45.95 a dz,  as to $20 a dz.

and all i was saying was that feb - march are usually good ball sales months.
for mid to highend models.   and this year we have had back orders all over the place.  and that is why i thought it a little odd that now they are making plastic balls.

of course it is almost april.  and they may have felt that maybe it is too late
to make some of those models that have been in short supply.  and that may be the reason they are making the plastic balls.

have a nice day gentlemen

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:16 AM

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:17 AM


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2007, 11:26:34 PM »
jls, I'm making an assumption here, but I suspect Ebonite doesn't want to make more of the old Columbia performance balls because they WANT to be out of them.

The Phoenix wasnt up to their standards and I suspect the rest of the line is the same boat. The white dots will stay in the line so they are in production. They are washing their hands of the old Columia just as they did with the last couple hammers that Faball made.

Besides, distributors don't want to restock balls that will be discontinued in 2 months.

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:27 PM

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:28 PM


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2007, 08:55:13 AM »
jls, I'm making an assumption here, but I suspect Ebonite doesn't want to make more of the old Columbia performance balls because they WANT to be out of them.

The Phoenix wasnt up to their standards and I suspect the rest of the line is the same boat. The white dots will stay in the line so they are in production. They are washing their hands of the old Columia just as they did with the last couple hammers that Faball made.

Besides, distributors don't want to restock balls that will be discontinued in 2 months.

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:27 PM

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:28 PM

Your probably right about that.  i just wish we would have had some.  there are some shortages in some high end models right now.

and it could be months before anything new comes out.


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2007, 09:43:39 AM »
jls, I'm making an assumption here, but I suspect Ebonite doesn't want to make more of the old Columbia performance balls because they WANT to be out of them.

The Phoenix wasnt up to their standards and I suspect the rest of the line is the same boat. The white dots will stay in the line so they are in production. They are washing their hands of the old Columia just as they did with the last couple hammers that Faball made.

Besides, distributors don't want to restock balls that will be discontinued in 2 months.

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:27 PM

Edited on 3/30/2007 11:28 PM

don't want to start up the "meet their standards"  again.
but i would like to point a few things out.

first,  most bowlers who have the phoenix, love it,  as well as the big shot.
the big shot has sold well for us.  and if we could have had the phoenix,  i believe it would have been a very good seller.

second, both ebonite and columbia buy their coverstock from basf.  columbia buys a certain version, and ebonite buys a certain version.  the differnce as explained to me by rebs from columbia, storm, and ebonite is that ebonite does in house tweaking of the coverstock they buy from basf.  columbia does not.

third,  when one says it did not meet there standards,  one can get the wrong impression.  one could think that it means the columbia/track balls are no good.   i do not believe this to be the case.  i believe the main reason for ebonite not releasing the phoenix or making anymore of the big shot was that to do this, they would have to do one of two things. either buy the same coverstock from basf that is used on those balls,  or use their own coverstocks.

forth, i don't believe ebonite wanted to do either, why buy a more costly coverstock when they have  a perfectly good version themselves.  and if they put their version on a new batch of the phoenix or the big shot,  they run the risk of some bowlers who may have the original version feeling that the new release does not react the same.   and since they would have different coverstocks,  this could and has happened in the past.

fifth,  since production on most of these balls may have stopped in early feb.
many models are now sold out.  yet we like most shops are still getting calls for some of these balls.  and my dist. had some models on back order since the end of jan.  the infinite one  was one model that our dist, still had on order.
and had orders to fill.  yet last wed. i believe they were told by ebonite that those back orders would not be filled.

finally,  i agree why buy balls that may be disc.


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2007, 10:19:17 AM »
jls, both Coulmbia and Ebonite purchase from BASF, but Columbia buys finished coverstocks and Ebonite buys raw chemicals from BASF and several other chemical companies. They then mix their own coverstocks using the chemicals they determine to be the best.

How many Infinite Ones do you need? I still have some 15 and 16 in stock . Let me know if I can help you out with product.


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Re: last two columbia covered balls
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2007, 10:42:33 AM »
And you're right about the Big Shot and Phoenix being good balls. I just don't think they will sell anywhere near the numbers that the Ones, TNVs, and Black Widows have.

The bar for a profitable ball for Ebonite is higher in number of units than it was for Columbia. It might not be profitable for Ebonite to make short runs of them to last a couple of months.

Faball Hammer Trucks were disco a month after they came out after the Faball purchase. I think this is the same situation.