THE CRANK, don't take this wrong. i agree with you about plastic balls.
and entry level balls like scouts and tornado's.
but in ball manufacturing, there is little or no profit in plastic balls.
the ball companies make their money on mid to high end models.
the people working on the assembly line make the same wage no matter what ball they are making. now commonsense would say, if your short on high end models and your short on plastic, kinda thinking you would want to make the high end more profitable balls.
of course, i am not as smart as you high school students. by the way, whats the passing curve now a days??? in my day it was 75%, what is it today? about 58-60%??? heard recently on the radio that more high school students are passing the test!!!! but then they went on to say that the curve is at an all time low.
sure we need plastic!!!! but the point i was making was that normally plastic
and low end balls are made after the high end balls are produced. it's called down time.
since feb. there has been a shortage of highend models. not just columbia and track, but with ebonite also.
we have 18 holes on the wall were normally mid to highend balls would be.
can't get them, sold out or not being made. that is my point "crank".
with so many high end balls being in short supply, one would think ebonite would have had some of these made during feb. and march. which are still good ball sales months.
and again sir, there is little profit made on a plastic ball by the ball companies. that's basic 101.
and your right, i am not as smart. but i was told many many years ago that
ball companies relay on the mid to highend models to make a profit.
thanks for your rude comments mr crank.
you see some of us have been in the pro shop business for more then 3 weeks!!!
Edited on 3/30/2007 9:22 AM
Edited on 3/30/2007 11:14 AM
Edited on 3/30/2007 11:15 AM