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Author Topic: Lefty Needs Help  (Read 3129 times)


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Lefty Needs Help
« on: July 17, 2003, 06:57:56 PM »
I am a new comer to bowling.  I currently use the FlipSide Wild. I don't know too much about drilling specs but I had it drilled with medium hook.  When I first purchased the ball, it was great.  Straight down the lane with medium hook on the backend. I have been using it for approximately. eight months.  Now, it gives me no hook.  Could I be doing something wrong?
I plan to join a league this fall and want to upgrade, any suggestions on new balls? I am considering the Jekyll/Hyde combination.  Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Lefty Needs Help
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2003, 10:57:14 AM »
You said you're new to bowling, but any info you can give us would help.  Is your speed high, medium, or low?  How about your revs?

Is everyone's elses equipment hooking the same?  They may have put out more oil.  The Wild won't hook much at all in anything more than medium oil.

A good cleaning never hurts.  Simple Green and the citrus degreasers do a great job for the money.  Dedicated bowling ball cleaners like Neo-Tac's Hook It are better, but cost more.

Balls like the Wild don't typically absorb a lot of oil, but you can wash it in a tub of hot water with Dawn dishwashing liquid.  Take the ball out and wipe it off every 20 minutes.  Replace the water if you see a lot of oil.

If your ball has a heavy track (a series of pits or scratches running more or less beside your thumb and finger holes) you will need to get it resurfaced.  See your pro shop.

That's the quick version.  We can give you more details in anything you have questions about.
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Re: Lefty Needs Help
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2003, 02:44:11 PM »
Let's see, I would say my speed is medium.  I don't know about the revs. Pretty much everyone else's hooked fine.  I did notice that there was a lot more oil than usual. I have not cleaned it other than wiping the oil off.  I did notice a series of scratches and pits.  Not around the finger or thumb whole, but generally on one side.  I will try cleaning it first and see what happens.  Is resurfacing expensive?


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Re: Lefty Needs Help
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2003, 03:10:45 PM »
Just took a ball in Wednesday to my pro shop and he said $20 to resurface it.  Try cleaning it first though.  It should help a lot.  Also, get in the habit of cleaning your bowling ball on a regular basis.  It should lengthen the life of the bowling ball, and keep pretty much the same reaction.  I have one columbia 300 ball (messenger Ti pearl) and I am not too happy with it.  If really want a columbia 300 ball i don't know what to tell you since I only have one.  Try looking at a Brunswick SmashR.  Fairly cheap and a lot of people have had success with it.  It would hook a lot more then your wild.  If you have anymore questions feel free to message me.



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Re: Lefty Needs Help
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2003, 05:28:07 PM »
Pretty much everyone else's hooked fine.  I did notice that there was a lot more oil than usual.

That might be the key, in this case, at least. The Wild is meant for fairly light oil; even medium may be too much for it, depending on your release. You may just need a stronger ball for when there is more oil than the WIld can handle. Then you'd have 2 balls, one for light oil and for spares and one for when there's more or hevaier oil.

The Hyde will complement thew Wild and can handle much heavier oil than the Wild. The Jekyll will handle almost the same amount of oil as the Wild but it wll hook more in the backend. I'd say to keep the Wild (make sure it's in good condition, as other have suggested.) and try to add a Hyde to your arsenal.

 Also did you try moving to play a line where other people's balls were definitely hooking? Maybe the house just changed the oil pattern so that you have to send the ball further outside than where you had been playing.
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Re: Lefty Needs Help
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 08:35:01 AM »
Thanks for all the suggestions.  I spoke with the owner of the lanes where I bowl and on league night they do put a fresh coat of oil.  She said somewhere between medium and medium/heavy.
I cleaned my ball as suggested.  I waited a couple of days and went back to the lanes.  I noticed the more the lanes broke down the better my game was.  I started with a 107 each game got better and I finished with a 182. I am going to add the Hyde as suggested and will be back with results.
Thanks again.
