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Author Topic: Making the Jump to Columbia  (Read 4322 times)


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Making the Jump to Columbia
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:07:06 AM »
I’m switching from MoRich to Columbia starting Friday.

I’ve been throwing MoRich for about four years but lately I’ve struggled even in my home center.

I went to a local USBC coach (and regional tour player) and we video taped my game. He told me I had very good fundamentals and didn’t suggest any changes.

We then look very hard at my current arsenal. He noted that every one of balls was drilled for early hook and max flare. This was evident when I tried to go deep inside. I could hit my break point but the ball wouldn’t make it back to the pocket. I then targeted a little further outside and the ball over hooked but didn’t have anything left.

So, I’ve ordered the Rival for my benchmark ball and the Momentum for my second strike ball. We are going with much higher pin placements from what I normally use (see profile).

If I like these two I will probably buy the Resurgence and the Dead Flush to complete the set.

Sure hope this works.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)



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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 03:10:22 PM »
Good luck with your move.  I really like the Rival.  That ball is very versital.


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 03:15:37 PM »
Well all I mostly throw is Morich and looks like if you only have those 3 balls you have listed in your profile, your really missing out on some good stuff like the LevRG series.

I've thrown old columbia and new columbia stuff. The older equipment worked well with me. My first 300 game came with a Columbia Action Max (not sure if that was after the ebo take over) but I've had sucess with them and just got an old scout that really surprised me on how much it hooked.

I've thrown the rival and couldn't get it to move much but its layout was bad for me being stacked but the new line up from them seems to be good. Good luck.
Throwing hambones since 2005.


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 03:19:51 PM »
I just did the same thing, I have the 4 balls that you mentioned.  Rival as a benchmark, Momentum for when the Rival is checking early and hitting flat, the Resurgence for oil and the Dead Flush for dry.  I'm thinking of drilling a Wrath HF with a stable layout ( 2" pin to PAP) for a control ball when everything burned and I need to play right with speed.   Good luck with the move.


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 03:21:40 PM »

I rid myself of my MoRich stuff too for many of the same reasons.  I had three of them and all of them tried to roll flat into the pocket.  The straw that broke the camel's back came a month ago when I left 9 10 pins in a set where I missed my mark 2-3 times.  I ended up shooting 680 and it felt like I shot a high 700 series.  Since switching to my other equipment, the most 10s I have left in one set is 2.

I have heard from others as well that their cores are designed to get into an end over end roll (I have no evidence to prove this point, just hearsay). That doesnt fit my game, maybe someone else's but not mine.
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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 03:25:24 PM »
Guess I need to update my profile more often. I also have the Awesome Revs and
the WMB from Morich.

(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 03:27:39 PM »
I use a lot of Columbia stuff too.

But I believe the powerful mass bias cores from Morich can have a lot of different looks based on MB position!  I love that Awesome Revs!


PS I like balls in both brands.....Heck I still use two Icon 2s, and a WOW pearl, and an ICON!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 11:54:56 PM »
The Icon2 was an awesome ball lol.


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2008, 06:32:37 AM »
Still have those two and watched a guy getting his refurnished yesterday.

Long and strong baby!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2008, 08:27:38 AM »
Bereez, why not just drill a Morich ball to go longer and flip harder later..? =:^D


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2008, 08:27:33 PM »
I really don't see how a layout problem and older equipment prompts some one to go out and buy 5 more balls. *shrugs* Or make an announcement to switch a company, brand loyalty in bowling is stupid. Its not gonna get you sponsored. lol!

I love my Mo ball, n'sane, it gives me a great look! As well as the other equip i have thrown, haven't bought a ball that i couldn't match up with. *crosses fingers*

I'm ranting best of luck sir! Try not to dril all your stuff leverage and maybe it won't puke 35 feet down the lane.
AIM = y2moe99

Edited on 3/20/2008 8:30 PM


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2008, 08:09:51 AM »
I guess I’m somewhat of a loyalist when it comes to equipment. I used Storm products for about five years and decided to look at other companies. I tried some Brunswick and Lane 1 but didn’t really care for them. I heard of a small company called Morich and decided why not. I went out and bought three balls from my end of season winnings four years ago. Really like them and have stayed with them until this week.

I don’t bowl in the PBA nor have I been to the Nationals. I bowl only in local and state tournaments so the conditions aren’t very tough.

As far as my drillings are concerned I was relying on my driller to make the right call. I’ve use the same guy for nine years but lately I’ve noticed I’ve become more of a “cash cow” than anything else. I’ve been struggling in my home center since they changed from wood to synthetics so I went to my driller and was discussing my layouts and options. Now granted, I wasn’t buying anything but I was still the “customer”. He told me to sand my Awesome Revs to 4000 and try that. Then he ask the next person if he could help them! That ticked me off. Not only have I purchase over $3,000 worth of equipment from him, every one of my teammates have bought two or more balls also. I’ve brought in a lot of business to this guy over the years and he blew me off.

So I found another guy who is a USBC coach and also a PBA regional bowler. As I’ve stated above he told me my layouts were wrong for the conditions, so yesterday he drilled up both the Rival and the Momentum for me. I threw them on freshly dressed and broken down lanes for about an hour. I’ve got to say they are what I was wanting. They have very little flare and a controlled motion to the pocket. I was impressed with him. He actually took the time to look at not only my game but my equipment. He drilled the new balls exactly how we discussed and they worked like they were suppose too.

So for the time being I’ll be using Morich for heavy conditions and Columbia for medium and yes, I will change solely to Columbia. That’s just how I am.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2008, 09:25:47 AM »
Glad to hear things are working out with your new driller. You and every customer deserves the time needed to talk and service provided. Layouts are very important and it's nice to see you're getting something different that works. =:^D


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2008, 10:54:56 AM »
Glad everything worked out for you!

Screw brand loyalty, there is ALOT of equipment out there worth trying. I wanna try the rival and have never thrown c300. Thats what the f/s fourm is for, try equipment for cheap, and buy if ya like.
AIM = y2moe99


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Re: Making the Jump to Columbia
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2008, 11:01:38 PM »
I threw Storm/Roto for 2 yrs and have bought more balls from them than I really want to admit.  I was happy with them until recently when I've had 2 balls crack beyond repair (Epic Saga, Epic Battle) and an Agent that started to crack, but was caught soon enough where it could be plugged and fixed.  I prefer to utilize more forward roll and like to keep the breakpoint closer to me more like Chris Barnes, I decided to try a Rival at the beginning of last league season and I knew right away this ball was a better matchup for my game than any ball I've ever thrown. I had to put a little polish on it so it didn't burn up too fast and I've thrown alot of big games with that ball this year on a significant amount of different conditions.  Next, I tried a Resurgence and this ball rolls a little sooner and has a very stong continuation, but is still usable as long as there's enough head oil.  I chose to take the surface up to 2000 and applied a light polish to make it more usable on the conditions typically seen here in Tucson.  First night I used it in league, was a 700 series on the tightest pair in the bowling center.   About 2 weeks ago, I bought a Momentum and Wrath Dead Flush, which are still works in progress in terms of figuring out what surface to use to best match up with lane conditions here and to complement the other balls in my bag.  

I have since given away all my Storm equipment to teammates and friends, except for my T-Road Pearl.  I've tried balls from several different companies and have found the "new age" of C300 matches my game better than the rest.  Best of luck with the move.