I agree with explorer, you'll get more use out of a TNV than a Resurgence. I like both of them very much but the problem I have with my Resurgence is if the lanes aren't flooded, the ball is useless. I get lousy carry with the ball on med-light lane conditions.
As far as hook potential, they both hook about the same for me. The difference is the TNV gets about 80% of its hook on the backend, whereas the Resurgence gradually starts to turn as soon as it hits the lane.
I'd like to recommend a couple other balls to take a look at if you've not already. My brother has a Black Widow Pearl & it's a damn good med-heavy oil ball. I actually think it carries a little better than my TNV. Another ball to look at is the Columbia Momentum that's coming out the week after next I think. It's a pearl-polished version of the Resurgence & I'm assuming that it's going to be more of a medium oil ball. The ads I've seen on it say that it was designed for the typical league pattern. I guess I'll find out in a few weeks. But its using the same core as the Resurgence & when my Resurgence is working, I don't believe there's a harder hitting ball out there.