win a ball from

Author Topic: Momentum  (Read 1075 times)


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« on: February 10, 2009, 03:39:00 PM »
I know i should have posted this a while ago but i just got back from league a couple hours ago and i knew i had to post this.

I bought a Momentum along with an Ebonite Complete NV back in the late summer for some cash and a Track Inertia, which i was getting inverse flare and was tracking over the fingers for what ever reason.  i made out like a bandit with this deal.  

I have been bringing the momentum with me every night of league and it has been my go to ball for about the last 2 months or so.  First ball out of my bag and usually the only one.  

I have thrown 3 700's in the last month with this ball with tonight me shooting 740.  This ball is unbelievable its controllable but also has strong backend.  with me being a cranker it is very versitile.  I can play outside, inside, swing it or play straighter.  

Here is the layout :

Basically my summation of this ball is it is AWESOME.
- Joe
Home of the Secret Sauce!
Joe R.
Beans Pro Shop
I am MOTIVated.