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Author Topic: MORE balls from the people at columbia!  (Read 1298 times)


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MORE balls from the people at columbia!
« on: February 24, 2004, 03:19:50 AM »
Not like this matters, but now they have new scout reactive colors, and maybe even a throttle on (please be overseas)

Formerly known as Maelstrom44



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Re: MORE balls from the people at columbia!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2004, 07:11:27 PM »
you forgot the new white dot colors  

haven't heard about the throttle-on.  where did you get this info from?

Hmmm, I did not notice new white dot colors. I will have to see.

Just the ABC approved list. I have a feeling this one might be like the Icon Quad or IQ or whatever, but maybe not. It is approved for Febuary 04 like the new scouts.

EDIT: Thats where the emeral/bronze one went, I saw that in a pro shop a long time ago and have always wondered.

Edited on 2/24/2004 8:07 PM

Edited on 2/24/2004 8:08 PM

Edited on 2/24/2004 8:10 PM