Please check ling below for another post on some similar stuff:"Bowling This Month" gave the DETOUR like 16 on Backend rating!! The most they've ever given! Columbia lists the 16lb Detour as having an RG of 2.488 and Differential of 0.037 and the 15lb having 2.521 and 0.037 ... with this low of an RG, how can this ball store up energy and is a Differential of only .037 really enough to get this ball to turn over hard on the backend?
And the WIRED, is suppose to be a strong backending ball... but the RG is 2.46 !!! How is this ball going to store energy? It's got a good Differential of .046 and that helps... but the RG is very low.
In the link above to another post, a guy says (by the name of DP3), "Numbers don't mean as much as they used to. Core Shape dictates motion, don't forget that."
So does that hold true here with the DETOUR and WIRED to???