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Author Topic: need help with ball selection for different lane condition. i want to stick to Columbia series  (Read 6403 times)


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the only ball i have is the backyard bully.
spare ball         -blue dot
dry-med            -?
med-light oil      -backyard bully
light oil-heavy oil-?
any suggestion?
would like your input on ball selection



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oh yea i have avg ball speed.  and lot of rev on the ball.  my approch start off to the left throw it long to the right of the lane

Spider Ball Bowler

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dry-med -?
med-light oil -backyard bully
light oil-
heavy oil-?
any suggestion?
would like your input on ball selection  

If you're looking to stick with Columbia 300, The Action is a very good ball for a medium to heavy.  I've seen some people also throw the U-Turn Pearl on a medium condition and tear it up.  I know some other people will be able to help you out more, but those 2 I know should be good choices.

My Arsenal:
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno, Hammer Road Hawg, Roto Grip Spare Tire, and Coming Soon Columbia 300 Action Packed!!


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Get an EPT-T1 .. drill it stacked for heavy oil.... make sure you know about the hot water rejuvination trick for this new Epoxy shell.

Get an Action for Medium to Heavy oil.

And possibly a Panic, or Dr.Jeyll for drier lanes.


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EPX-T1 - HEavy oil

Action - Heavy medium oil

Panic - Dry


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anymore suggestion? any would help with my ball selection


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here is my arsenal so far.  
Action heavy oil and medium heavy
U-turn pearl for medium oil short pattern and light oil
Super trooper light to dry and medium long patterns
both are sanded to 1000 grit.
Scout reactive for the real bone dry and a White dot for spares

looking for a 14# Detour and possibly going to look at the Action packed

Yes I am a Lefty
Good scores to all  Elliott
Arsenal:=Columbia-Action, U-turn Pearl,Super Trooper, Scout Reactive, White Dot
Highest series 718 before done 4 weeks before shoulder surgery


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Don't buy the EPX-T1 My pro shop guy has said they are all craking.  He said that he has had 6 of them come back and only sold 8 of them.  He is sending them back to the distributor.


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So far no cracking on my EPX. I am pretty sure mine is out of the second production run. I believe I remember reading somewhere on here that that initial run had the cracking problem, but they were fixed now.

To the question. I still like the Big Bully for Medium-Wet, but the new Power Drive sanded has a similar reaction for lower cost. I also use a Panic for drier, but not until I shortened the pin a bit from the original drill. Watch getting to long with the pin if you have higher ball speed. My EPX is a condition ball and does not see a lot of use, but when it works, and needs oil, it does react and hit great. I have a couple of the Actions, but on my home lanes it is so strong that it burns up. Has to do with the sythetic overlay, not the ball. On the wood lanes I rolled it on, it hooked and hit like a truck.


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so what your think about the backyard bully for med to light oil condition?


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here is my list so far
spare ball -blue dot (will get this ball last)
dry-med -Columbia Flipside Panic
med-light oil -backyard bully(already have this ball)
light oil-heavy oil- Columbia U-Turn Particle Pearl or Columbia Power Drive (not sure what will suite me.)
i want a long ball with good back.  im i in the right direction?


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This gives you a perfect arsenal, in order from oily to dry:

Action - Heavy oil
Action Packed -  Heavy to medium
Backyard Bully - Medium
Panic - Medium to dry
Blue Dot - Spare Ball

Get the action drilled strong with early roll, for heavy oil
Get the Action packed drilled long and strong, for medium oil
Get the Panic drilled long arc, for dry
Blue Dot - Spare ball


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So far the long ball with good back end .,. is definitly the Action packed.

drill it like this :

With cg on midline plane.. and pin between fingers.  either above or below.
Buy a ball as close to 3.5 inch pin.. and 3.3 top weight as you can.


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the action packed is  a very good ball has so much back end it not even  funnie
mine hooks the whole lane


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so what your think for Columbia U-Turn Particle Pearl or Columbia Power Drive for light to heavy oil lane?
my backyard do very will with medium to light oil lanes.  so i don't think i would like to get the action pack.