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Author Topic: Negative reviews of the EPX T1  (Read 3931 times)


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Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« on: September 01, 2005, 11:19:21 AM »
OK so when I heard about this I was totally sold on this ball, made perfect sense etc.

Now im hearing this ball cannot handle any kind of carrydown at all. That it is prone to leaving pocket 5 pins from different types of players and all kinda of bad comments.

I wasn't so much into the technical side of bowling when the last change came in '98 but I would guess these kind of comments are typical when there is a major change?

All I know is hearing stuff like this makes me go from wanting this ball for sure to not being so sure.. Can we get some proper feedback ASAP on whether this ball is going to be all its cracked up to be or not. thanks


sammy the sage

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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 07:32:41 PM »
you are seeing proper feed-back...can't turn a lemon into an I agree w/the other reviews...


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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 08:48:00 PM »
i have drilled 9 of these balls for my customers.I have nothing but positive feedback.This ballreally reads the midlane and keeps coming.Just remember to use this ball on a heavy oil condition and its an not a flip.For one of my customers that has slow ball speed and his rev rate dominates his ball speed.We drilled it with a 4 1/4 pin 4 inches above the midline witha  1 1/2 cg label shift and polished it with track magic shine it had more backend, but it still was a strong arc.


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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 10:10:23 PM »
I would try this polished. With some glass, I saw that work very well on 24ml, 42' patterns.
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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 10:15:03 PM »
The ball actually works better with less oil.Carrydown stops it cold.The more you use it the worse it gets.It skates down the lane on oil.Leaves 5 pins.It is acting like regular urethane.I havent seen it roll out though.Very strange ball.


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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2005, 09:49:56 AM »
The ball actually works better with less oil.Carrydown stops it cold.The more you use it the worse it gets.It skates down the lane on oil.Leaves 5 pins.It is acting like regular urethane.I havent seen it roll out though.Very strange ball.

I regularly throw my Slate Blue Gargoyle on up to medium oil and have never left a 5 pin.  I haven't even seen this Epoxy ball so I don't have an overall opinion about it, but if you're leaving 5's, you either have no hand or the ball is DOA early from throwing it on too little oil.  Everyone says this ball is strong and early.  It doesn't snap at the end, so you can't miss your normal 5 boards wide, nick the headpin, and expect a strike.  Maybe this ball will teach some people how to hit the pocket.  (Not directed at anyone in particular)
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2005, 10:36:06 AM »
My driller, a PBA senior regional champ, drilled one up and said that it hooked out of the house for the first game but it slowly began losing reaction after that. I guess the statements about keeping it clean are even more pertinent with this one than with most balls. For me, I'm going to let the jury stay out longer before I make a call on this one.
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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2005, 10:40:01 AM »
Of course it will hit like a marshmallow if you drill it 4" and less from the PAP.  The ball is burning up and anyone who works with heavy oil equipment should know this since the ball is intended for HEAVY OIL.  This ball doesn't cost 240 bucks to throw in medium conditions they make ALOT of other equipment for that.  Drill this monster 4 1/2" inches from the PAP and it will make a big difference.  The ball will actually retain some energy down the lane.  So all of you who are throwing this ball on medium conditions and bashing this ball need to actually throw it on what it is intended to be thrown on before you say anything bad about equipment.
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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2005, 01:31:12 PM »
Before anyone criticizes John Rubeo one might want to go to and read his Shock review from the US open.

Two conclusions I have is that he is a very good bowler and he is a pro Columbia supporter!

I have seen this ball thrown on a medium heavy oil condition and it is well in teh out of box condition..basically just a lumbering ball that can turn but not hit on at least that little bit of oil...for it!

I also saw a Hawg on this medium heavy oil condition and the particle pearl Hawg was a much better fit!  That day!

If this is a going to be a useful ball it is going to have to be thrown on REALLY heavy oil or polished and/or weakly drilled!


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sammy the sage

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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2005, 07:31:41 PM »
"that day" about new hawg ate'em up...while the epx freshly cleaned could only leave 5-10's....


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Re: Negative reviews of the EPX T1
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2005, 08:01:00 PM »

 Got my EPX on 26 Aug and drilled it on 28th Aug.
 rolled 1 game with it on 2 Sept today and would you belive it.
 Ball cracked about 8 inches below thumb hole on the bottom of the
  Two cracks about 1/2 in. apart and 3 inches long. has this happen
 to anyone else who has the EPX.  I contacted Bowling.Com about this
 problem and I have to mail the ball back to them Monday.