Storm is the Biggest selling Company right now, and Brunswick Ultimate Inferno is the biggest selling ball right now.
A lot of the cores are spin off's of the Rock On core, or Rock series balls. I have seen a lot more people locally throwing the Hyde and Detour, but internet sales show the whole US, and there haven't been that many for either one of those balls.
The Alter Ego is their first go at another Asymmetrical core, after the Chaos line. That is a big gap, if you ask me.
I also think Columbia took a big hit with Tec Death, and how the word spread so fastly on the internet. Tournament bowlers understand that you must buy different balls to keep up with the competition, but a person that bowlers once a week, doesn't want to buy a ball every other month, because the last one won't hook any more.
I think every company in the industry goes up and down. That is just the nature of the bowling biz.
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