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Author Topic: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!  (Read 4691 times)


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Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:57:40 PM »
If you haven't tried a Columbia 300 ball in a while, here's some food for thought:

Scratch League last night, on tougher modified house shot, I shot games of 221, 225, 234 for 680 series.  I had an "obligatory" open frame each game (why do I do that??).  I used a single ball all night, the Mass Eruption (Resurgence core, Hybrid cover), with a 4" pin Label Leveraged.  I moved a total of 3 boards during games 1-2, and half way through game 3 moved 5 boards and found "the world" (where you gotta hit 'em anyway? hehehe).

The Resurgence core is a tried and true core that has been very successful to the Columbia 300 brand for several years.  Here's my unscientific reason why:  IT GETS OUT THE CORNERPeriod.  I've never seen a ball/core kick out so many corners from so many angles of entry!  This is true for me in the Mass Eruption I used last night, of the Violent Eruption that I have drilled RICO, of the U2 Classic Urethane ball, and the Disruption I have drilled 1.5 x 1.5!  I'm not a power player, not a tweener, just your average nothing-fancy-get-the-job-done kind of bowler.  While a 680 series may not be that impressive to some, it was the highest series on the ENTIRE LEAGUE last night, and I certainly had the best ball reaction in the field.  The new #emergencyorange Eruption Pro (seen Dec 1st on ESPN telecast of PBA's Cheetah Championship featuring Clara Guerrero) is no different in it's performance and ability to knock out those pesky corner pins!

I know many of you probably remember [fondly] the original ball that featured this core, aptly named the Resurgence (released 2007).  It was also used in other successful releases such as:  Power Swing, Momentum Swing, and the Burst. 

If you're looking for something new in your bag, or perhaps a new addition to your tournament arsenal, or a replacement of an old faithful, take a look at the Eruption series by Columbia 300.  Can't go wrong with any of their offerings, and there's a coverstock suited to everyone's personal game and preference! :)

Jenny Riedy
Columbia 300 Ambassador
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 01:00:05 PM by JennyD »



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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2013, 01:16:12 PM »
mass eruption is still my go to ball when the lanes are torched.

the new eruption pro looks like crap, not only does it look like a pumpkin, it hits like one.
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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 01:28:10 PM »
how do you have the eruption Pro drilled because I have not seen any hit like a pumkin.  All retain energy and hit the pocket pretty good. 
All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015


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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2013, 02:20:34 PM »
mass eruption is still my go to ball when the lanes are torched.

the new eruption pro looks like crap, not only does it look like a pumpkin, it hits like one.

how do you have the eruption Pro drilled because I have not seen any hit like a pumkin.  All retain energy and hit the pocket pretty good. 

hmm.... "looks like crap" would indicate you don't actually have one.  It's a great ball, especially for what it is designed to do:  Low flare.  Tons of hours in R & D, and an exceptional product for the tournament bowler.  It won't appeal to everyone, but it certainly has been making waves in the bowling world!


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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2013, 02:36:15 PM »
I have 1 drilled, that i am redrilling tonight.  I bowl in tournaments weekly and have yet to find a shot for one.
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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2013, 05:20:28 PM »
i had my EP originally drilled pin down, re-drilled pin up.
It is somewhat of a conditional piece (aren't they all these days)??
started THS league with absolute curve last week (drilled similar)
started moving in a bit to much, gave it a bit of over/under
switched to Ep and moved back to track area, much more simple shot
ball retained energy, hit like a truck and carried the corners where the Absolute curve would not
I have had the surface between 1000 dull to 4000 dull
now have it back at 1000 dull + factory finish polish
On the right condition, this ball is money


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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2013, 11:41:00 PM »
I saw Ameleto Monacelli in one of his senionr tour leading perfomances this year using one.

Didn't he lead every single one he was is at some time this summer?  Not sure if this ball was involved in all those leading qualifyings.

It surprised me how much early roll this blue original pearl version had, and how many boards he covered on this condition and how much carry he had!

I had a feeling this ball did not experience much down long and then hang on the corner type of 10 pins!
I will tell you this.  We have a league in my house and we have a wonderful lefty female with great powerful speed and good hand too!  She cannot carry at a very high percentage with her resurgence.

So it may not be the answer for all conditions.  I am finding all sorts of carry with assymetrics.  Of course a pin up drilling with a proper weighthole may have worked.
One won't know.


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2013, 01:15:17 AM »
I think the original Eruption will be remembered as one of those HyRoad-type balls - irreplaceable once you've had one in your bag, and a ball known for its versatility on many patterns (especially sport patterns). It really is that good of a ball. But I do find that on the wrong condition, I can ping lots of corners with it. On the right condition, it carries like nothing else I have. I wish I had two of them!

Jesse James

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Re: Eruption Series balls -- Get the CORNER OUT!
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2013, 09:57:21 AM »
The Eruption Pro is making waves in my neck of the woods. Definitely a tournament keeper in my book, as well.

With all the dry and spotty lanes we see nowadays, this ball is a must have! Great power at the pindeck.......if you know how to throw it right!
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