No ive never been to a dick ritger bowling camp.
And for making the videos, i use my digital camera. I have a Canon PowerShot SD200 Digital Elph. Any digital camera will do. But anyway, you need to purchase the camera and make sure tha tit comes with computer programs that let you upload it to the comp, as well as a USB cord to connect to the comp. After that you are all set.
You upload teh videos into the computer and place them in a file of your choice. Then you go and open Windows Movie Maker, which can be found in Accessories. From there you import the video by going to the Import Video, and import clip by clip. AFter importinhg a clip, drag it into the bottom wheree the time line is laid out. THen, if you want to add a title before it, you click on the part of the time line right before the clip and on the left there will be an add title button. Click that and then theres choices and choose to make a title before the clip. Then type it up, and on the bottom of the typing box theres 2 buttons, one allows you to chance colors, and the other allows you to change the anamation.
ANything else u need just send me a PM and ill help you.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%