The Ti Boss core with the
solid Resurgence cover, 1000 grit polish?
WOW!Are you guys using your mind now? That's sounds like a great matchup, on paper.
{You're gonna force me to get a part time job to pay for this addiction. Retirement don't pay for sh*t!}
This appears like it will be an incredibly useful ball that can be a ton of different things to different people. Wonder what it will be in practicality. This bears close watching.
Not sure about that name, though. (Marketing! Wake-up call!!!) How far behind is a ball called, "Bring in the Funk bring in the NOIZE!"

And the price? (Buddies: $95 shipped, vs the Resurgences: $155, Rivals: $125) evenmore Wow!
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial FAQEdited on 5/17/2008 9:02 AM