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Author Topic: Old News but Good News, Columbia Freeze  (Read 2909 times)


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Old News but Good News, Columbia Freeze
« on: April 09, 2014, 09:33:11 PM »
If I have 3 of these I might have 4!  At least 2 undrilled.

Recently I took my Pin up Freeze 4 3/4 pin to Pap(1.5 inch pin to Vertical Axis  Line).
and lightly scuffed it with 3000 Abralon.

Oh my.  What a ball for a house wet dry!

I now instead of playing our harsh wet dry oil line on the 8/9 splice am now swinging 8 or 9 at the arrows to 2 to 8 and have area, control, and lots of hit!  I've coupled this with some loft(a new technique for me), and absolutely am loving this ball, it's strong coverstock and the hit!

A while back I pointed a slick 43 foot flat shot 3 to 8 with this high pin up ball and owned it compared to the other lefties trying to find a line!


PS this one is the rare Pink Black one which to my eye is more like a Hybrid than the others I have seen that look like pearls.
PPS I will test this theory soon with a Green Blue one.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 09:40:51 AM by LuckyLefty »
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Old News but Good News, Columbia Freeze
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 06:23:47 PM »
I've had two green orange freezes. With a touch of friction they kill. U can open up the lane with area and carry. One is a 2 inch pin to pap and the other a 5.5. Different looks on the lane but both very effective once the lanes begin to transition. Neither worked well for me on fresh. A bit over under even with surface.

One of the best bang for the buck balls in bowling.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: Old News but Good News, Columbia Freeze
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 08:56:57 AM »
Since I've scuffed mine with a 3000 pad it has smoothed out and let me swing it a bit it has been very nice.  I prefer the swing over straight down the oil line, more area!

Reacting quite strongly the first two games, losing hit as it gets sloggy downlane!

I prefer the area the Jet Black Taboo gives me later in the set allowing me to go slightly deeper and still have more hit when soggy downlane!

This is a powerful inexpensive ball and quite good looking my pink and black!  I have also seen this high pin up ball kill (in box condition) a long flat 43 foot shot that I pointed up 6.

It was the only ball that was waiting(little midlane) and providing the hit needed to outperform a bunch of other bowlers high end stuff.  Pointing can be great!  Great hard moving coverstock!

I have two green blue ones I will use a different drilling to get different rolls out of them!

Imressive inexpensive orb.  A top flight pro has seen this in my hands and said.  "Don't practice with that. Save it and use for years!"


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Old News but Good News, Columbia Freeze
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 01:46:41 PM »
ever since they released the freezes i said they have been very underrated. i had one of the red/black ones and kept it at 4000 and that thing worked on everything once the lanes transitioned. mine was actually a lot smoother than everyone elses that i saw even with the 5 1/2 pin up layout i had on it. im probably going to drill another for the fall leagues. sadly another ball which sales suffered from not having a lightning bolt on the side.