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Author Topic: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst  (Read 2684 times)


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Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:10:36 PM »
 Do you think a polished Outburst would cross a few more boards in total than the OOB Burst?  Do you think a polished Outburst would go longer and be more angular on the backend than a OOB Burst? I'm trying to help a friend find a new ball.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.



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Re: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 11:41:23 AM »
You pretty much answered all your questions with  To the first question yes you'll cover less boards in the front and mid part of the lane but you'll cover more boards on the back end, by how much *?* I dunno, maybe a few boards or more but not by a lot.  To the second question yes it will go longer and be more angular on the back end.  The OOB finish Outburst will be earlier on the lane, using more energy sooner and smoother on the back end; and the polish one will see friction farther down the lane, saving more energy into giving you more back end reaction into being more angular.  

2010 is the first time joining a league since 1999. Over a 10 year lay off and I haven't lost much of my game.

HG-300 x 1, HS-780 (Nov. 2010)

In the Bag:

Columbia World Beater
Columbia Outburst
Columbia Ransom
Storm Invasion
Columbia Pure Swing
Columbia Burst
Storm Natural
Spare ball-T-Zone


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Re: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 12:08:26 PM »
You're right, theoretically I know what's supposed to happen...however, I was wondering if anyone has both balls and can compare what they've physically seen between a polished Outburst and an OOB Burst.


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Re: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 01:22:01 PM »
From what i have seen from a staffer on my team, (didn't like burst, shot 300 with outburst) the outburst will give you more stability in the midlane and give you a strong arcing backend. They should both give you the same backend, but the outburst will read the midlane more than the burst. Not a huge gap between these balls....

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Re: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 02:00:45 PM »
I think that the Outburst will cover more territory than the OOB Burst even if you put it at 4000/polish.  I don't think a polished Outburst will ever get more length than a Burst because of the stronger cover.  The shape should be fairly similar due to the Resurgence Core with the Burst being slightly more angular downlane (provided there is a friction spot to throw to). 



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Re: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2011, 08:51:57 PM »
Experience with my Outburst:


OOB hooked more, as long as it was pin under drilling. Polish and its a dead straight turd

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Re: Opinion Needed: Polished Outburst Vs. OOB Burst
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2011, 03:37:32 PM »
I polished my outburst a few months ago just to try it, and it got through the heads a little cleaner and picked up in the mids a little harder than my burst.  It had a little bit more of a move on the back as well, probably about 3 - 4 boards or so, simply cause of the stronger cover.
Ben Alexander

Columbia 300 advisory ambassador