
Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: LuckyLefty on December 14, 2004, 02:47:13 PM

Title: Panic vs Pirahna Retro
Post by: LuckyLefty on December 14, 2004, 02:47:13 PM
I now know the Pirahna REtro.  It is a small hooker he said!

So in looking at the Panic it looks like specs are the same but the Panic looks like a cross between polished and pearl.  Beautiful to look at!

Should I expect a longer weaker Pirahna.  Or will I get something completly different?


Title: Re: Panic vs Pirahna Retro
Post by: LuckyLefty on December 15, 2004, 05:17:55 PM


Title: Re: Panic vs Pirahna Retro
Post by: pjr300 on December 15, 2004, 10:37:05 PM

I haven't tossed the retro but did own a panic for a while. Drilled label lev, 3" pin, no x-hole, cg in center of palm.  The ball went very long then snapped very hard... a round shaped break, not violent, very powerful.
live from the Bowling Capital of the World
Title: Re: Panic vs Pirahna Retro
Post by: pjr300 on December 15, 2004, 10:37:55 PM

P.S, More back end than I expected... or needed for this slot in the arsonal... but a very good ball.

live from the Bowling Capital of the World
Title: Re: Panic vs Pirahna Retro
Post by: pjr300 on December 15, 2004, 10:38:29 PM

P.S, More back end than I expected... or needed for this slot in the arsonal... but a very good ball.

live from the Bowling Capital of the World