Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: J_L_B on August 11, 2005, 06:40:56 PM
300-300-267 (867)
Thanks to Columbia and my new U-Turn Pearl
This was my first time using this ball in league. It's amazing how much energy this ball saves for the backend. I seemed to carry all night from 5th arrow out to around 10 board. Ball turns the corner with some serious pop.
Thanks again Columbia, bring on the EPX T1........
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
Congrats Jon on some awesome bowling.
Being one of the best bowlers in America doesn't hurt either!
WOW, nice shooting......
Current Arsenal:
-Lane #1 Bullet
-Columbia U-turn Pearl
-Columbia Backyard Bully
-Columbia Alter Ego
-Columbia Bully
-Columbia Big Bully
-Ebonite Big Time Pearl
-Ebonite XXXcel
Awesome, I just traded for a hardly used U Turn Pearl, and it's in the shop right now getting plugged and drilled. Love to see stuff like this about a ball I'm about to start throwing!
Jon, that's awesome, keep it up man...
Regards, Ramtart
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite
Good Bowling Jon.
"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes
Oh, and great bowling. I'm still at the point where a 267 would be thrilling by itself for me!
IN-FREAKIN-CREDIBLE!!!! Nice shooting now update that profile!

Proud member of the Track Revolution
Thanks for all your support. I left a ringing 10 pin the 9th frame of the 3rd game. I was truly in awe of my carry that night. Felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity to obtain perfection, but I'm happy just hitting the pocket that many frames in a row
I'll have a picture of the ball up soon.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
Nice shooting Jon! Keep it up.
Best advice: Find the perfect armswing.
No I was 2 for 2 on spares for the night....

xxxxxxxxxxxx - 300
xxxxxxxxxxxx - 300
xxxxxxxx9/8/x - 267
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
Edited on 8/12/2005 10:57 PM
Wow, the front 32. Awesome shooting!
- Andy
Being one of the best bowlers in America doesn't hurt either!
Hey, how come you never call ME one of the best bowlers in America?
Everybody knows that Sport Bowling nationwide high average awards and Team USA mean nothing 
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Oh yeah, and congrats J.B., you Big Bad Bully you!
Respect the Game
Hey... I know you are I just didn't see your post on your 867!
But I did know you have high sport condition average in country!
PS I have something to say about some of your great drilling info also.
Coming soon.
Congrats Jon, how many millions is that now? I was thinking about getting that ball, but might wait a little bit, about to drill a panic and richochet
And Then...........
I left another 10 pin
Congrats on hauling some serious butt.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Staff Writer 7-10 Split Magazine,EGO Communications
Montreal, Quebec.
Going to pick up my U Turn Pearl tonight, hope I have success as well!