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Author Topic: Perfect Rival - help  (Read 2826 times)


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Perfect Rival - help
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:14:31 PM »
Hey Guys,

I just won this ball (PR) while bowling a tourney & I'm doubting wheter to try it myself or change it for another ball - I'm not familliar with C300 balls, so I'll need your help to fit this ball in my current arsenal.

I have:
Legends World Class (more than 1000 games on it)
Hammer Emerald Vibe
Storm Furious
Roto-Grip Rogue Cell
Storm Virtual Gravity

At first vieuw I'm guessing the PR will fit between the Furious  & the rogue cell, with more flip than furious and less than rogue, is this correct?
or is the PR weaker than the furious? ( not looking at specific ball drillings)

2nd question: is the ball a solid, or has it pearl added? I can't find a confirmation on that one.

thnx for help.



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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 08:29:55 PM »
id imagine it fits right around the same as the rogue cell...

I could be wrong but as far as I can see I doubt it would help fill any gaps or do anything that your current balls couldnt
tournament average: 219

medium revs
medium speed
specs and ball layouts in profile

currently throwing
Visionary (O.P. / O. SS. / Glad S.)
Rotogrip (rogue cell)
lanemasters (black pearl)


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 10:27:34 PM »
I personally love my PR. Its one of the best balls I have ever thrown. I would say overall hook should compare to the Rogue, but I think it should retain energy a little better. The Rouge Cells I have watched have had a tendency to quit a little in the back (not knocking the ball at all it is a very good ball). I think it will be a good amount stronger than the Furious. I don't see you being disappointed if you do drill it up.

In my PBA league I threw the PR on the fresh for every pattern except the Cheetah (Link) and Viper (Hot Sauce). This included the World Championship, US Open, and the 50 ft TOC pattern. The ball was just so versitale for me. Once they dried out it ended up back in the bag but on the fresh the room it gave me and the way it went through the pins was unmatched from any other ball I was throwing.


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 04:21:34 PM »
Well, tommorow I'm gonna ask wheter I can trade it in for another ball, if I can't I'll be happy to let it drill and try out.
It suprises me a bit that it would retain energy better than the Rogue, given the fact the rogue is hybrid and the PR is solid.
tdub (or others) is there a layout you can suggest?

Problem I got for the moment is that my furious is supposed to be my benchmark ball, but I gave it a label leverage drill - ball hooks up on me sooner than I expected before I let it drill up (alltough it's a great ball for oure THS, but on more difficult conditions I like my emerald vibe much much more, gives me more room) so I'm thinking about giving the PR a drilling for some more lenght and about same backend (bit more).
Something like a 4.5 * 4 pin-up drilling, could that be good? or can anyone else suggest another drilling for that purpose.

grtz, any tips or knowledge about this ball more than welcome.


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 01:05:08 AM »
Well I have been told that the PR has pearl in it too. It does look that way as well, so I think it is a Hybrid of sorts as well. The silver part definitly looks pearl and you can see a fair amount of Mica throughout the ball which I believe is a pearl additive...??

Mine is pin above my ring and CG out a little probably around 5x3 and it has a nice midlane with quite a bit of backend. Like I said I never have had a problem with it reading the lane even on the longer patterns. Depending on what you have on your Rogue I would do something a little different than that drilling to give it a little different look since they are probably pretty close. I would say go 4 1/2 or 5" pin to PAP should work out well. My PAP is 4 3/8 over 3/8 down and I am around 325 RPM and ball speed is around 19 off my hand.


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2009, 04:26:58 PM »
I don't know a lot but out under the perfect Rival Tim of Buddies Pro shop has a great review!  Of all 3 rivals!

I was very impressed with a Arch Rival I have seen and wish I had one!

He does a great job of comparing all 3.

To me the Arch Rival reminded me a lot of my old and Still very trusty Icon2!


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2009, 05:24:42 PM »
Well, I had it drilled this evening and I kinda like the ball.
I went 4.5 * 4, but pin down (the cg-pin distance was too short to lay it out pin up).
It reads the lane well, picks up in the middle a tad later than my leverage furious, conserving the energy well for the backend, I would say a strong arc off the spot.
I only compared the ball to my furious tonight and I would say it's about 2 boards stronger, but gives me more room. More recovery to the pocket when missed to the outside and much much better "hold" when missed inside my mark.

I must say I was a bit sceptical towards this ball, but now I'm more than glad I had it drilled !  It's gonna be a ball that's gonna get quite some usage I think.


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2009, 02:08:01 AM »
The PR is the best ball in the C300 line of Rivals. The shop has drilled six cases of them and 23 people loved it. The one that did not like it was because of the color but shot 837 the night he drilled it. He became a fan of the purple and green thing
Trea Ward
PAP 4.5" & 1/4" down


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2009, 05:23:31 PM »
How did you drill it?  could see this possibly being the case with a 3 3/8 pin to axis, but  mine never quits in the back.

the perfect is more like furious, with less backend...its early and rolly and imo a piece of sh!t!!!!!!!
Steven...The Lane 1 rocket surgeon officially sponsored by Kool-aid and M&Ms....


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2009, 06:18:48 PM »
Just for the fun of it I wanna restate that I'm very very happy with this ball.
Tonight was league night on 2nd shift THS and the Perfect Rival is really perfect for me on this condition, I bowled a 212-258-278 for my highest serie to date of 748.
1st game I had a split (greek church) and a easy miss (stupid)
2nd & 3th were clean, got the first 9 on the last game, but left a shaker 10 on 10th ball

I use the perfect rival & the furious as a 1-2 punch on oure THS ( have also tried the rogue and the vibe on it) but I have to say I prefer the PR over the others on this shot. When missed outside it really screams back to the pocket, when pulled a bit more trough the oil it maintains it's energy for the back, the carry is excellent on both... I really love this ball !

I've also tested the ball on a 32ft sportshot and a 45ft sportshot.
Being drilled pin down, if I keep my speed up for me the ball is very usable on the short pattern as well, on the 45ft I have better options but the PR can still handle it if needed .... really a very versitale ball so far!

Edited on 9/22/2009 6:20 PM


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Re: Perfect Rival - help
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2009, 01:46:47 PM »
Not surprised....its a great ball. If it only looked as good as it rolled then it would have had more people talking about it.