Just for the fun of it I wanna restate that I'm very very happy with this ball.
Tonight was league night on 2nd shift THS and the Perfect Rival is really perfect for me on this condition, I bowled a 212-258-278 for my highest serie to date of 748.
1st game I had a split (greek church) and a easy miss (stupid)
2nd & 3th were clean, got the first 9 on the last game, but left a shaker 10 on 10th ball

I use the perfect rival & the furious as a 1-2 punch on oure THS ( have also tried the rogue and the vibe on it) but I have to say I prefer the PR over the others on this shot. When missed outside it really screams back to the pocket, when pulled a bit more trough the oil it maintains it's energy for the back, the carry is excellent on both... I really love this ball !
I've also tested the ball on a 32ft sportshot and a 45ft sportshot.
Being drilled pin down, if I keep my speed up for me the ball is very usable on the short pattern as well, on the 45ft I have better options but the PR can still handle it if needed .... really a very versitale ball so far!
Edited on 9/22/2009 6:20 PM