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Author Topic: Perfect Rival review...  (Read 8107 times)

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Perfect Rival review...
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:59:32 PM »
The third Rival is the Perfect Rival.  This green/purple/silver ball claims to have the midlane of the original Rival, and finish on the backend as hard as the Arch Rival.

Mine was punched up 65* x 35*, with the pin 4 3/4" from my PAP.  This is the ball to start off every bowling session with.  You can find out what the lanes are like in just a few shots.  The ball motion is similar to a Momentum Swing, but hooks about 4 boards less.  By starting with the Perfect Rival, you can easily find out what ball you will need to use on that particular session (many of which will be the Perfect Rival!)  

When comparing the previous two Rivals, overall hook was close, within 5 boards for the 3 of them.  The biggest difference will be seen off the breakpoint.  The Rival rolls strong in the midlane, and has a smooth arc on the backend.  The Arch Rival has the most length, and flips the hardest in the back of the lane.  The Perfect Rival has the midlane of the Rival, but is a little bit cleaner through the fronts.  On the backend, the Perfect is not AS angular as the Arch, but still pretty angular.  When I'm using either the Rival of Perfect Rival and they start to burn up a bit early, I can go to the Arch and pick right back up again.

The Perfect Rival fits a lot of bowlers's styles...everybody can use a PERFECT benchmark ball.
Columbia 300 Staff
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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 03:40:10 PM »
Will there be a video to follow up this review?


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 04:21:09 PM »
Thanks for your review, I think I'll definitely be picking up one of these very, very soon.  I have had great success with the original and some success with the Arch Rival, but this one looks too good to pass up.

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2008, 10:44:52 PM »
Video was taped on Friday, look for it in the next couple days!
Columbia 300 Staff
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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 05:15:40 AM »
how would this compare to the momentum swing?

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2008, 12:11:08 AM »
The Swing revs up considerably quicker, and can handle more oil.  However, total boards on the backend is about the same.
Columbia 300 Staff
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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2008, 12:25:46 AM »
When you say that you can pick up the Arch after either of the other two burn up a bit, do you mean that the Arch is the weakest of the three?  I thought it was stronger than the Rival but weaker than the Perfect.

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2008, 12:37:34 AM »
They are all similar in hook potential.  The main difference is ball motion.  One day a Rival can out-hook an Arch, and vise-versa.  Its all about how each ball matches up on that pair of lanes.

For me, I usually move a board or two inside when going to the Arch Rival, because it opens up the backend more.  

Columbia 300 Staff
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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2008, 06:01:07 PM »
You haven't seen many, because they are so ugly. Columbia probably makes the ugliest balls of any company right now and thats why they aren't selling much around here IMO. They need to work on their color schemes, I give them credit for trying something different but its not working. I really want to try it but can't bring myself to buying it cause I am afraid I might vomit when I throw it. Sometimes its just better sticking to the basic look.  

Have not seen many on the lanes.  The ball in the flyer looked great.  but the balls that came in,  well,  don't get me started on that.  Lets just say that maybe in San Fran, they might sell.  But not in South Philly.

PS,  and I don't want to hear any of that crap, what difference does the color make.  It makes a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited on 12/3/2008 4:35 PM


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2008, 02:42:18 PM »
I haven't had one person say a negative thing about the color scheme on my Perfect Rival. I wasn't sure when I ordered it but when I got it I had no problem with it's color. jls, in my opinion you're messed up in the head. What possible difference does color make. Does the ball not perform well because of it. One of the most ugly colored balls during the infancy of reactive balls was the Gold Angle. It wasn't really gold but a sanded yellow. It picked up every bit of grime possible, making it even worse looking but I sure saw some great scores shot with it.

tdub, I not sure what balls you're talking about but the Rival and Arch Rival are pretty good looking balls besides being good on the lanes.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2008, 11:55:41 PM »

Why don't you just find a quiet place and f**k youself, since your boyfriend evidently won't help you out.

Maine Man

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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2008, 12:16:03 AM »
Now since just about everyone who has come in and seen this ball,  thinks it's fruity,  there must be a lot of people messed up in the head

I don't even own this ball, but ball color means jack sh*t when it comes to bowling ball performance.  I guess I must be messed up in the head if I go by performance over color, jeez what was I thinking?  A ball could be baby grunt green, and if it blows out the rack and carries great, you can bet your azz I am going to be throwing it.  If you think that someone is queer, or less "manly" by owning a ball that has a "fruity" color, then you have major mental problems.  I would be willing to say that YOU are the one who has homosexual tendencies since the first thing that pops into your mind is gay men when you see certain colors together on a ball.  Not the first thing to EVER come into my head, to be quite honest with you, especially when I look at a bowling ball.  Get over it, dude.

Lastly, I would much rather use a bowling ball that LOOKS fruity than throw a bowling ball that SMELLS fruity....
James Goulding
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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2008, 01:15:36 AM »
Lastly, I would much rather use a bowling ball that LOOKS fruity than throw a bowling ball that SMELLS fruity....

Hey now.  I hope that's not a knock on Storm.

Personally, I don't really care about color.  It's a bonus if it looks cool going down the lane, and I actually figure a ball like the Perfect Rival with its pattern would be interesting to see rotating down-lane.  I haven't seen any in person but I would hope it's as colorful as the picture because it wouldn't be as good if the colors were kinda meshed.  If anyone has a problem with colors like that, throw Ebonite and stop bashing other companies for something stupid like that.

Edited on 12/5/2008 2:15 AM


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2008, 10:49:32 AM »
Does the color of a ball really matter when you shoot 300 or 800 i have this ball and have shot a 300 with it and you know what it was no differtent then when i shot a 300 with a nice looking ball it was still a 300


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2008, 10:56:26 AM »
They can pick on me all they want when I'm striking at will with this ball.  I own one and I don't think it doesn't look bad at all, especially with polish. This ball takes the best qualities of the Rival and Arch Rival and combines them into one ball.  I think it's a great realease and I've already rolled a couple 270+ games with it in practice.  It's going to see some league time real soon.  Look at it this way, at least you won't have any trouble finding it on the rack.