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Author Topic: Perfect Rival review...  (Read 8108 times)

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Perfect Rival review...
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:59:32 PM »
The third Rival is the Perfect Rival.  This green/purple/silver ball claims to have the midlane of the original Rival, and finish on the backend as hard as the Arch Rival.

Mine was punched up 65* x 35*, with the pin 4 3/4" from my PAP.  This is the ball to start off every bowling session with.  You can find out what the lanes are like in just a few shots.  The ball motion is similar to a Momentum Swing, but hooks about 4 boards less.  By starting with the Perfect Rival, you can easily find out what ball you will need to use on that particular session (many of which will be the Perfect Rival!)  

When comparing the previous two Rivals, overall hook was close, within 5 boards for the 3 of them.  The biggest difference will be seen off the breakpoint.  The Rival rolls strong in the midlane, and has a smooth arc on the backend.  The Arch Rival has the most length, and flips the hardest in the back of the lane.  The Perfect Rival has the midlane of the Rival, but is a little bit cleaner through the fronts.  On the backend, the Perfect is not AS angular as the Arch, but still pretty angular.  When I'm using either the Rival of Perfect Rival and they start to burn up a bit early, I can go to the Arch and pick right back up again.

The Perfect Rival fits a lot of bowlers's styles...everybody can use a PERFECT benchmark ball.
Columbia 300 Staff
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Tonight we bowl.


Maine Man

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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2008, 08:51:14 AM »
jls, I agree with your assessment that many customers that come in look at shelf appeal, and that helps them determine their purchase (to an extent).  I feel this is where the expertise of the pro shop operator can play a vital role in the sale of certain less "appealing" bowling balls like the Perfect Rival, for instance.

If you can recommend a ball based on performance, you can help sway that customer toward the ball you think matches up best to their game, which in turn will make them happy, and keep them coming back.  I would hate to sell someone a good looking ball that performs worse, knowing I have a so-called "ugly" ball sitting there that will match up to their game better.  As a fellow pro shop guy, you know where I am coming from on this one, I am sure.  I understand the premise of your argument against the bad colored bowling balls, but on the same hand I feel it necessary to match up the best piece to each person that walks through my door, no matter what the color of the ball.
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop
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James Goulding
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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2008, 09:04:02 AM »
jls, I agree with your assessment that many customers that come in look at shelf appeal, and that helps them determine their purchase (to an extent).  I feel this is where the expertise of the pro shop operator can play a vital role in the sale of certain less "appealing" bowling balls like the Perfect Rival, for instance.

If you can recommend a ball based on performance, you can help sway that customer toward the ball you think matches up best to their game, which in turn will make them happy, and keep them coming back.  I would hate to sell someone a good looking ball that performs worse, knowing I have a so-called "ugly" ball sitting there that will match up to their game better.  As a fellow pro shop guy, you know where I am coming from on this one, I am sure.  I understand the premise of your argument against the bad colored bowling balls, but on the same hand I feel it necessary to match up the best piece to each person that walks through my door, no matter what the color of the ball.
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop
Ball Driller / Consultant
USBC Blogger

Well stated sir, however it is extremely hard to do that, when we have zero feedback on the ball.  We have showed many customers this ball, and they blow right past it.  Have yet to see one on the lanes.  


Edited on 12/8/2008 10:15 AM

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2008, 09:10:04 AM »
Hey guys, why are you guys always flaming someone for their opinion?

The Perfect Rival is an ugly ball.  I went to my pro shop to look at equipment and couldn't believe it.  Looked like something my 3 year old nephew would puke out.

Then as everyone in the shop talked about it, the operator pulled out the flyer, and the ball looks nothing at all like the picture.

It almost looks like the ball was left out in the sun for like a year and lost all of its coloring.  Really weird.

Anyways, color scheme matters for some people, and the colors of this ball will turn some people off....
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2008, 09:18:35 AM »
Hey guys, why are you guys always flaming someone for their opinion?

The Perfect Rival is an ugly ball.  I went to my pro shop to look at equipment and couldn't believe it.  Looked like something my 3 year old nephew would puke out.

Then as everyone in the shop talked about it, the operator pulled out the flyer, and the ball looks nothing at all like the picture.

It almost looks like the ball was left out in the sun for like a year and lost all of its coloring.  Really weird.

Anyways, color scheme matters for some people, and the colors of this ball will turn some people off....
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

EXACTLY,  this person is 1000% right.  The picture was beautiful.   It was Holly,  but when the ball came in, it was Oprah!!!

If you try to push this beast on a customer, they get turned off and you run the risk of losing a customer.  This ball is not worth it.


Edited on 12/8/2008 10:15 AM

Edited on 12/8/2008 12:14 PM


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2008, 10:34:53 AM »
I've noticed this with alot of Columbia's stuff, especially the non polished equipment looks like total crap OOB until you hit it with a worn abralon pad or polish, it looks much more like the picture.  For me, this ball needs a little polish anyway.  Both Rivals, Resurgence and the Perfect Rival looked really dull in the Box.  I understand what is being said about the shelf appeal, but I think the ball looks fine, especially once you shine it up.  And I totally agree that this ball has the midlane of the Rival, but the backend of the Arch Rival.  I have a feeling I'll be using this ball in competition alot.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2008, 11:16:08 AM »

Anyways, color scheme matters for some people, and the colors of this ball will turn some people off....

...and that color scheme could very well attract just as many as it turns off.  I've seen favorable reactions to quite a few "ugly ducklings" in the industry.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2008, 12:03:07 PM »
Color does matter to some people, and will make it tougher for the Pro Shops. The Double Agent was the last ball that seemed to match this. But if there is performance in the ball, which this one seems to have, then it should be worth trying. Heck you certainly won't lose it on the ball rack.

For me, I can handle to goofy colors. I think I was the only one that would have considered owning a V2 Strong/R lol


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2008, 01:07:27 PM »
jls, the resident whiny biatch of Ball Reviews continues to equate the color of a bowling ball to manliness. I, like all of you should wonder about his fascination with homosexuality? That being said, he would need to expain one ball that was a great seller and to this day a new one on ebay sells for big money. THE PINK HAMMER!!! I'm guessing that he either wasn't born then or had just become a little more than an idea for a bad mistake by his parents.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2008, 01:51:43 PM »
There it is ladies and gentlemen, another pronouncement from the blowhard of Ball Reviews. If it's not something about politics or the plight of his pro shop then jls will find something. This guy is about as well liked on here as a herpes sore. Tim Gillick was a good enough guy to give his take on the Perfect Rival, (over a month ago). Now after a month the almighty and all knowing jls comes on to rip the color scheme. All of you should ask yourself why? Is it because he's just an angry, whiny biatch or is it simply he can't go a day with flaming something. He's ripped justrico, a guy very well liked on this site. jls is just not a happy person. He claims to be a pro shop owner but after reading his posts one would be left to ask who would come to such black hearted, gloomy outlook, type of guy. There was nothing in this post that asked for his comment. Everyone knows ball color does make a difference to some and not others. I guarantee if a ball gets the job done in a way others haven't, it won't make one bit of difference is it's sky blue pink (jls's favorite color for (his) thong underwear)people will buy it. At least Columbia can't be accused of making ball colors that have the same bland color scheme throughout their line-up as Storm has through the years. But, Storm sells so I guess that makes MY point.

Edited on 12/6/2008 2:54 PM


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2008, 07:50:26 PM »
I will admit if I owned a pro shop this is not a ball I would stock.  Even if it looked like the picture, the color combination isn't likely to appeal to joe bowler(although the style is cool and would look decent in blue/green or something).  I agree that good bowlers may throw this ball if they feel it will perform, but lower average bowlers want a ball they think is cool-looking.  I would not throw the ball, because I'm not that good of a bowler and if I'm going to bowl bad I at least want to do it with a ball that looks better.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2008, 08:24:24 PM »

Your lack of intelligence continues to show. Ebonite doesn't force you to take any balls. If you don't like what they're selling don't order it. I don't dislike Storm but your pudding for brains can't get what I said. They have continually made bland looking balls with the main color scheme of blue and red. Despite that they sell because they perform. What about that can't your mush head comprehend? Who asked for your opinion about the color on this post? You just injected your typical blow bag self on everyone. Thanks! Now go finish what I've told you to do to yourself a number of times!


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2008, 09:49:37 AM »

Your lack of intelligence continues to show. Ebonite doesn't force you to take any balls. If you don't like what they're selling don't order it. I don't dislike Storm but your pudding for brains can't get what I said. They have continually made bland looking balls with the main color scheme of blue and red. Despite that they sell because they perform. What about that can't your mush head comprehend? Who asked for your opinion about the color on this post? You just injected your typical blow bag self on everyone. Thanks! Now go finish what I've told you to do to yourself a number of times!

Tonyboy,  does your mommy know that you like to use 4 lettered words in IM's

Now it seems to me that a number of people have posted that they also are not fond of the color of this ball.  Yet you seem only to think that I am the only one to feel that way.  No one is knocking the performance of the ball,  it is simply the fact that it does not have any shelf appeal, especially to men.
And it is very diffulcult to rate this ball, when you can't even see any on the lanes.

And becasue of this, I now receive daily IM's from you using the f-word, spelled correctly.

Oh boy,  don't you just hate weekends, when there is no pre school.

Toniboy,  you bore me, you really do.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2008, 10:42:08 AM »
IMO, I love my perfect rival.  It's now the first ball I pull out of my bag to see what the lanes are like if I need something strong or weaker, currently I stay with the ball because of how versatile it can be.

As for color, many people in our local proshop have been wanting one.  We've had many people come in gazing their eyes on the ball and asking about it.  Though, I think I have the only one around in the area that I've seen, I just see a lot of people asking about it and looking at it on the shelf.

Call me crazy but I like a lot of the wicked non matching color schemes on balls.  I would love for someone to come up and tell me how ugly my bowling ball looks, because it's an even greater feeling when your beating them with it.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2008, 10:47:08 AM »
IMO, I love my perfect rival.  It's now the first ball I pull out of my bag to see what the lanes are like if I need something strong or weaker, currently I stay with the ball because of how versatile it can be.

As for color, many people in our local proshop have been wanting one.  We've had many people come in gazing their eyes on the ball and asking about it.  Though, I think I have the only one around in the area that I've seen, I just see a lot of people asking about it and looking at it on the shelf.

Call me crazy but I like a lot of the wicked non matching color schemes on balls.  I would love for someone to come up and tell me how ugly my bowling ball looks, because it's an even greater feeling when your beating them with it.

Raz,  may I ask you, does yours look similar to the flyer.  The ball in the flyer looked great.  The ones we got in,  horrible.


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Re: Perfect Rival review...
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2008, 11:05:04 AM »
Not exactly on this side of the ball where the 'perfect rival' is, but on the opposite side it has many more of the vertical lines like the ball in the advertisement.