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Author Topic: Please tell me about your Omen  (Read 6979 times)


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Please tell me about your Omen
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:14:40 PM »
I recently purchased a new Omen and, so far, I'm kinda disappointed.  The ball was left in box and is drilled strong with the pin about 4" from my pap and just right of the ring finger.  If it will help, I have slower speed (around 15mph) and lower revs.  
So far I've only been able to throw the ball on slightly oily conditions which is what I got it for, but it goes almost dead straignt.  I wanted something to fit between an Ebonite Mission X and a Columbia Sharp noize but this ball does not do the job.
My question is, has anyone else had this problem?  Did you try a different surface either duller or adding polish?
Any help or ideas would be appreciared.



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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2012, 04:57:50 PM »
I drilled mine. Made a few surface changes. Sold it. Nuff said.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2012, 03:10:47 PM »
Mine is drilled 70 x 5 x 70, pin below bridge.  I have been able to use this ball on everything except a house shot.  It has a hard time battling the longer oil, but anything from 37-41 feet, it is golden!  Great midlane read and very continuous arc on the back.  Definitely a winner in my book.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 04:48:26 PM »

wrote on 4/6/2012 1:10 PM:
Mine is drilled 70 x 5 x 70, pin below bridge.  I have been able to use this ball on everything except a house shot.  It has a hard time battling the longer oil, but anything from 37-41 feet, it is golden!  Great midlane read and very continuous arc on the back.  Definitely a winner in my book.

Have you tried a different surface or is it in box. 


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2012, 06:43:15 PM »
Thanks for the stats- that does give a good starting point.
I would probably go with a surface change first to see if it may still be usable.  OOB on the Omen is prepped at 500/500/4000/4000.  Maybe a change to 800/1000/2000/4000 without polish (used on the Ebonite Vital Energy) could work.  The VE is similar to the Omen in that both balls handle medium-heavy oil and use similar pearl covers.  Using that finish would give the ball some extra teeth and should allow you to pick up the midlane slightly earlier.  
If that doesn't work, I would try 500/1500 with polish as was done on the Storm Anarchy.  That should give you more midlane read with a continual arc/heavy roll in the backend.   Either of those surfaces should work better for some longer patterns with medium-heavy oil.
If a surface change doesn't work, then maybe changing the layout and pin position could benefit you.   

My Arsenal (as of February 2012)
Heavy Oil:  Roto Grip Defiant: 3000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Track 919C: 3000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Ebonite Vital Energy: 4000 AB
Medium Oil: Track 505T: 4000 AB 
Medium-Light Oil: Hammer Brick: 2000 polished
Edited by tommyboy74 on 4/6/2012 at 4:45 PM
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2012, 01:45:20 AM »
I left it at box finish, hit it lightly with 2000, and took it down to 1000 as well.  Even at 1000, as long as there is enough oil up front, this ball doesn't quit all the way down the lane, but as the heads dry up, you will have to move left, and I have been able to use this ball for 7 games in a tournament, just kept moving left.  You won't always get that lucky, but, it was the right ball at the right time.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2012, 11:01:07 AM »
I have a couple of friends that are low trackers(spinners), they LOVE this ball.


I nothing more about it than that!





It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2012, 12:29:03 PM »
 Well I haven't thrown one but the anchor on the youth team I coach got one this morning befor league and went 233 300 259 that's his first 300 ever very smooth strong arc to the pocket he is a stroker with about 200 revs and 17 to 18 mph. His norm shot is up 10 but had to move left this morn to play about 17 out to 10 at the break ball rolls great I think I may have to get one myself.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2012, 03:21:03 PM »

trackfiend wrote on 4/7/2012 10:29 AM: Well I haven't thrown one but the anchor on the youth team I coach got one this morning befor league and went 233 300 259 that's his first 300 ever very smooth strong arc to the pocket he is a stroker with about 200 revs and 17 to 18 mph. His norm shot is up 10 but had to move left this morn to play about 17 out to 10 at the break ball rolls great I think I may have to get one myself.

Do you know how he has it drilled and what surface he is using?  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2012, 04:27:41 PM »
 Its oob so 4000 and the pin was to the right of his ring but even with it. Literally the driller handed him the ball with 40 secs left befor he started league the ball just matchs up with him very well.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2012, 11:41:32 AM »
I actually have two of these one with a pin down below ring finger cg kicked out, other is pin above the middle finger. 


Pin down - I have the box surface at 1000 grit and have had not problems with this ball handling heavier oil, this ball starts early, so once the heads dry up i cannot use this ball.


Pin Up - I have at 500, 1000, 2000 with polish and this ball works great for THS type of shots or tournament shots when the heads start to dry up. 


I would try this as it almost sounds like your Omen is burning up a little in the front and therefore is not hooking as much as you would like. 
All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2012, 04:51:07 PM »
I have one that I'm selling. For me I can use this ball on fresh oil pointing it in over 7 or so. The ball has a small arc on the end and carries well for about 1 game. As soon as the heads start to dry up a bit all the carry is lost and I leave 10 pin after 10 pin on weak hits. If I move in and give it any room it's not coming back. I've tried several surface changes with no luck. I decided to sell it because it doesn't make much sense to only be able to throw a ball for 1 game and put it away. On drier conditions the ball seems to hook earlier and burn up for me and with polish the ball went straight.


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2012, 04:47:20 PM »

kong1 wrote on 4/11/2012 2:51 PM:
I have one that I'm selling. For me I can use this ball on fresh oil pointing it in over 7 or so. The ball has a small arc on the end and carries well for about 1 game. As soon as the heads start to dry up a bit all the carry is lost and I leave 10 pin after 10 pin on weak hits. If I move in and give it any room it's not coming back. I've tried several surface changes with no luck. I decided to sell it because it doesn't make much sense to only be able to throw a ball for 1 game and put it away. On drier conditions the ball seems to hook earlier and burn up for me and with polish the ball went straight.

This describes almost exactly what I found with this ball.  I started with the box finish (4000) and tried it on oil and dryer conditions.  Would not do anything.  Then took it down to 500-1000-2000 and still could not get hardly any movement no matter what the lane condition was.  So sold it and was able to pick up a new Mission 2.0 which I think will be what I'm looking for after a slight surface change.
I used to be a fan of Columbia, however, the last few balls I've tried have been big disappointments.  I bought my wife a Ransom Demand which we couldn't get to hook even with surface changes and a re-drilling.  Got her a new Track which is working great.  I had a Cool Noize that just died after less than 50 games.  The best Columbia ball I've had since my Cuda C pearl, was the Arch Rival.  It was and still is a very good ball.
Now I'm sure these are probably isolated cases, but with what happened with these three balls, I'll have to consider another brand for my next ball.  


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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2012, 12:58:56 PM »
I put my omen at 500, 1000, 2000, with some factory finish polish in order for it to get down the lane far enough.  My omen just picks up super early and is really smooth through-out the lane.  I have mine drilled with a 5 1/2 pin up
Ben Alexander

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Re: Please tell me about your Omen
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2012, 02:04:32 AM »
I have had 2 Omens. The first one was drilled with fingers to the right of the pin with the cg stacked. I had to have the ball plugged and drilled so that now my fingers are over the pin with the cg kicked out. This tamed the ball down so that i can stay with it longer into the night. I had 11 strikes but had a 10 pin waved at me in the 8th frame I just got the ball out to much (5 board) and it left me a ringing 10. I was set to start the season until the ball pick took out my ball and the house gave me a new one. I drilled this one with fingers over the pin with the cg kicked out. I kept the ball at 500 and highly polished until the 4th week of the fall season when the houses changed over to the winter shot. I started to leave too many 10 pins( any 10 pin is one too many) so I had to changed the surface back to box to allow the ball to start sooner for the pocket. Before you give up on the ball try changing the surface or a drill pattern that allows the ball to start sooner. This ball will hook!