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Author Topic: Power Drive Sanded mini-review  (Read 1405 times)


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Power Drive Sanded mini-review
« on: March 07, 2006, 04:57:09 AM »
I picked this ball up from the AMF/Circle/Columbia/Track booth while at nationals.  I have never really had any experience with Columbia or the others equipment, so I decided to give one a shot.  I was looking for a ball to start up early for shots when lots of oil is present up front.  I was drawn to the power drive sanded because of its high-end core and strong particle cover in the mid-line price range (plus the booth at nationals was running a sale on them).  I had my hand fitted up (just to compare against my old spans... which actually were off according too them) and gave them my PAP measurements...  A few minutes later I had one of the best feeling/fitting balls that came out of the shop is quite some time (thanks Dan at the Columbia booth!).  It was layed out with the pin above and between the fingers and the cg directly below the ring finger with a small weight hole on my VAL, just below the midline.  For my PAP, this put the pin 5" away and the cg approximately 4" away.  I ledt the surface of the ball in box condition.

Up to this point, I have only bowled on one surface, AMF synthetics with a medium heavy oil house shot.  I have been working with my coach on achieving a greater amount of forward roll through a tweak of my release.  This ball seems to be the perfect compliment to my new type of release!  I started out standing around 18 at the approach and playing straight up 12 at the arrows.  The ball cleared the heads easily, but started up early in the mids and got into a heavy roll.  If I got the ball anywhere outside of 10 at the arrows, it would start up too early and run a touch high...  once I used up the oil playing the straighter line, I was able to bump inside and start swinging the ball.  Surprisingly, the ball still had plenty left on the backend to finish and carry.  Regardless of the angle I played, the ball seemed up just start up early and get into a strong heavy roll.  So far, the ball is performing just as I has hoped.  Once I get some more games on it, I will post a more in depth complete review of the ball.  To this point, I have to say I am impressed with the performance of this ball.


-Strapper Squared

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Re: Power Drive Sanded mini-review
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 01:00:57 PM »
Strapper, great initial review man. Glad you got your grip figured out to by the guys in the booth. Thanks for reviewing a ball that most haven't gotten the chance to check out.

peace, Ram
Regards, M.C. RAMmer


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Re: Power Drive Sanded mini-review
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 10:30:32 AM »
shot 730 in league with it last night... bowling in a different house tonight..we will see how it goes.  I suspect it might have something to do with my new roll pattern (and the heavy rolling nature of this ball), but I seemed to carry extremely well last night and only left a couple of weak 10's when I missed the ball at the bottom of the swing.  The only good shot that I threw and didn't carry was a ripped 8 pin...  The only dislike I have of the ball right now is the fact that it seems to be a dirt magnet (and this may be due to the surface prep)!  After a 3 game set, I cleaned the ball and a brand new white towel was completely black...  I think someone is going to have to make sure to really clean the ball well after every set in order to maintain the best reaction...

-Strapper Squared

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Re: Power Drive Sanded mini-review
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 10:33:00 AM »
Thats because its particle.. ALL particle balls pick up dirt, oil and dust on the lane like a magnet.. Its nothing some clean and dull won't take care of!!
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