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Author Topic: power swing :{  (Read 8523 times)


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power swing :{
« on: June 12, 2009, 06:40:34 AM »
I drilled this ball up with my favorite layout, which happens to be pin undr bridge, which is roughly 4inch to pap, i had extremely high hopes for this ball. unfrotuneatly it did not deliver, at box it hit like a wet noodle so i decided to shine it to get some pop, well tht turned it into a plastic ball, so i took 500 to get the shine off and then too 1000, more wet noodle, anyways i took it back to 4000 and it is my dry lane ball, has anyone else had a problem like this



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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2009, 11:27:25 PM »
Wow i use this for medium heavy shots almost weekly, ball is pin over ring and cg below no weight hole. Usually too strong by the end of game 2, shot 215-277 with it just last week.

I believe it is the magic cover with a Columbia core, don't care they claim there is no sharing because they roll too close but the Power swing is more control by a few boards.

Even has that same phasing look to the cover that my Magic has, these balls hold up compared to old Ebonite stuff.


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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2009, 10:38:52 PM »
Mine was pin below, cg kicked out, with a balance hole... I don't know if it was my drilling.. Was thinking about polishing her up, or change my layout, your thought?

the other c300 barnes

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2009, 12:11:42 AM »
everyones different but I have had 5 of these i liked the ball that much drilled with numerous different layouts, its one of the most versatile balls i have ever owned!! and i would say the one i liked the least was the pin under because the ball was way to early, I would try  surface prep 180 360 500 then skip to 4000 then polish and if that doesnt work a simple pin up small hole nothing exotic, this ball is strong and drilling it strong with the pin under sometimes is overkill and its to early and way rolly unless you are a high rev player and are looking for that look.
REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
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Joe Jr

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2009, 12:23:00 AM »
I don't what he's complaining about It looked pretty good at 320 tonight on the Cheetah.

My Vid
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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2009, 05:48:45 AM »
the cg is 4 inch away and the statics are at 0 across the board, i have used it on the dick weber, the viper, and a ths, no luck on any of them with polish or abralon


if the price is right, it only has two games on it if tht

So, does it have a max of 2 games on it, or do you at least 20 since you tried in on three different patterns and with several different surfaces?
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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2009, 01:22:35 PM »
People will be selling them on ebay if they no like coliumbia Casue mini is giving them out
I like bowling because it give me 3 holes of fun.


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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2009, 01:49:57 PM »
if the price is right, it only has two games on it if tht

Wow might have to call BS on this somewhere.  You've had 3 surface changes to it, and yet ONLY have 2 games at the most on it?  Not so sure if I believe this.  And even so you haven't even given the ball a chance.  Not to mention your probably not even throwing it on something close to what the ball is intended for.  Sounds to me like you were throwing it on a broken down, not oiled in like 2-days, house shot.  Mine has been unbelievable on higher volumes and longer patterns.

Joe Jr

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2009, 02:03:12 PM »
if the price is right, it only has two games on it if tht

Wow might have to call BS on this somewhere.  You've had 3 surface changes to it, and yet ONLY have 2 games at the most on it?  Not so sure if I believe this.  And even so you haven't even given the ball a chance.  Not to mention your probably not even throwing it on something close to what the ball is intended for.  Sounds to me like you were throwing it on a broken down, not oiled in like 2-days, house shot.  Mine has been unbelievable on higher volumes and longer patterns.

No he's telling the truth, i've watched him attempt to throw it almost every week in our pba league and it rarely makes it out of practice. The balls a doorstop for him, which is shocking seeing how it looks amazing in everyone else's hands.
My Vid
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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2009, 02:18:21 PM »
thanks joe, by now the ball probly has four games max, im not a hack bowler and having six other amazing balls im not goin to waste my time trying to make somthing work when i have other balls that perform better. I know when a ball has a motion that wont match up for me and this just happens to be one of them, i dont feel the need to throw a ball for twenty games just to give it a chance, if it doesnt show me a good useable motion i dont try and make it work. Im sure there will be people that will be appauled by this but i think the success i have had using my philosphy stands for itself. If some one would like to buy the ball all u have to do is pm me with an offer, if not thanks for reading.


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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2009, 08:05:14 PM »
thanks "the other c300 barnes" for your suggestion, the 180 360 500, did you mean sanding it or just using abralon pads?? would definitely try your suggestion..

the other c300 barnes

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2009, 10:20:04 PM »
using the abralon pads, it really makes a huge difference for me anyway in ball reaction!!
REV RATE 350 - 380
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Jesse James

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2009, 09:16:40 AM »
I have a library of about 80 balls now. Some older, some newer. All types of drillings.

But the one thing that I've been noticing lately is that not all balls can take a "pin under the fingers" drilling.

It seems to be really prevalent in some of the newer balls that I own. I know for a fact that a pin under drilling on one of my Dooms, and an Ebonite One, basically made those balls big boat anchors for me. But pin-up drillings in those balls.....and I can't keep them out of my bag! Probably the nature and shape of the core, has a lot to do with this. Just a guess.

I keep saying I'm gonna chart all the balls that seem to lose all their zip with "pin-under" drillings, but I just haven't done it yet.

Anyway, that is something to take into consideration.

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2009, 09:35:56 AM »
I agree with this, the last 3 pin under ring or bridge drilled balls I have tried just roll out quick with nothing left. i think the newer covers are so strong they use almost all the energy to early drilled like this for certain styles.

My Power Swing and magic are both pin over ring and beasts, I had a pin down complete nv that was mild compared to the same ball with the pin up drilling.

Could be core designs and cover matchup's, everybody is different I tended to like stuff nobody else did when i was buying like a mad man.

I have a library of about 80 balls now. Some older, some newer. All types of drillings.

But the one thing that I've been noticing lately is that not all balls can take a "pin under the fingers" drilling.

It seems to be really prevalent in some of the newer balls that I own. I know for a fact that a pin under drilling on one of my Dooms, and an Ebonite One, basically made those balls big boat anchors for me. But pin-up drillings in those balls.....and I can't keep them out of my bag! Probably the nature and shape of the core, has a lot to do with this. Just a guess.

I keep saying I'm gonna chart all the balls that seem to lose all their zip with "pin-under" drillings, but I just haven't done it yet.

Anyway, that is something to take into consideration.

Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2009, 10:17:51 AM »
bluerrpilot said: "USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"

I don't about that but it has sure overtaken common sense. A bowler buys a ball, ignores the core specific drill sheet, drills the same layout as always, throws the ball two games, doesn't like the reaction and says the bowl is no good - WTH

Yeah J_Mac, you are right, brand specific layout is where I should have gone and I might have been a little hard on the guy as well. I have had a few temporary door stops over the years. Each got a season of experimenting one ended up being traded, one got plugged and re-drilled with good success, and one became my first Sarge Easter layout with good success.

I do get a little frustrated though with bowlers that give up on a ball in a few games - sometimes the only change from their other balls is a fractionally different hole size or shape which is killing their release and revs.

Edited on 7/11/2009 5:46 PM


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Re: power swing :{
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2009, 10:21:46 AM »
bluerrpilot said: "USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"

I don't about that but it has sure overtaken common sense. A bowler buys a bowl, ignores the core specific drill sheet, drills the same layout as always, throws the ball two games, doesn't like the reaction and says the bowl is no good - WTH

Last I checked, Columbia didn't have core specific drill sheets.

That might change with the addition of the two asymmetric pieces though.

FWIW - With the strength of this core and cover, I wonder if this ball is overflaring?