Drilled a Power Swing for a guy this week that has a heavy rolling ball with low speed. He wanted something stronger, so I drilled him up the PS and polished it to combat his low speed. The first few shots he threw with it were just short of amazing. He threw one ball that made it to the camera and it looked like someone was standing in the gutter and kicked it left. When the ball went through the pins the 6 10 was left standing (btw, it was a fairly solid pocket hit). A scout came and took out the 6. I was initially worried that it was going to be to snappy, which could have been fixed with a little abralon. But he loves it and doesn't want it changed yet.
This ball along with the Momentun Swing are very underrated balls. There are going to be some very good deals on Momentum Swings (and PS too perhaps), don't hesitate to snap one of these up for the right price.