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Author Topic: power torque - what to expect  (Read 4558 times)


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power torque - what to expect
« on: June 13, 2008, 02:13:32 AM »

I just got a "Power Torque" 4 free for a friend (just starts with bowling and I want to give hime something more suiting than the average house ball)

so what is this ball about... it says "reactive" and has a very short pin...
it is not listed on this site so I guess it is real old (approved ball list says nothing.

any info?
Sebastian Koch
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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: power torque - what to expect
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 10:39:08 AM »

This ball was mean back in it's day...was also known for the cover and core separating from one another too. That's how many of us lost our Torq.
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Re: power torque - what to expect
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2008, 10:43:34 AM »
i have had got two of these drilled last had a 1/2" pin and the other a 3" pin...the short pin was drilled with the pin in the center of grip with the cg below...worked real nice on shorter, or dry shots from the out side...the other pin 6" from PAP, above middle finger, cg way right with a flare reducing hole...this ball is money on dry lanes...the drier the glides through the heads and when it encounters friction, it just turns over and rolls... two "interesting" reactions...gave the short pin on away, but kept the long pin one, just in case i ever bowl on a desert...
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Re: power torque - what to expect
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2008, 09:31:24 AM »
cool thanks!

this baby looks real interesting!

I put it in the warm water bath I normaly use to clean my "state of the art" reactives and guess what... not one drop of oil coming out.

either the guy who gave it to me cleaned it or this old material does by far not absorb as the newer coverstocks do.

Core-Cover seperation? Can't think how this should be possible...

Whatever... it is for a friend of mine and drilled already with a what some would call "pin in label" drill.

the ball fits me and should fit my friends hand, too.

Again... thanks for all the info!

Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson


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