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Author Topic: Professional 2 inch pin  (Read 1089 times)


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Professional 2 inch pin
« on: October 22, 2006, 06:02:51 AM »
This ball is drilled almost to 4X4, finger heavy, OOB polished finish without a weight hole.   Pin is right next to ring finger.  

Bowling on broken down lanes and a THS with some backend, this ball just does not react.  It carries well when you hit the pocket, but so would almost an RR ball.  I am not getting a solid backend reaction.  Normally I throw from 20 out over the second and to the 3 or 4 board with a nice back end snap.  I have had to play the second arrow down and in and struggle to maintain a 193 average.

Any suggestions out there from Big Bully or Professional throwers or Pro-Shop owners?  Perhaps my  pin was too short on this ball to afford a good reaction.  Should I take down the polish to a 1000 grit abalon?  Perhaps a weight hole to kill the finger weight?



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Re: Professional 2 inch pin
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 07:21:55 PM »
Without watching you bowl all I can do is guess, but, I will suggest that perhaps you stop trying to cross so many boards. The Professional is a very good ball, but it is not designed to cover the entire lane.

Try tightening your line and use more speed if you need to, or maybe a weeker drill pattern?

Again without seeing you bowl this is all a guess


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Re: Professional 2 inch pin
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 10:54:49 PM »

Great, thanks!  I will try tightening my line that is probably the best solution for carry as the down and in shot loves to leave the four and the ten.  Too much head pin on that entry engle for me.  This ball might end up being a drier lane ball in my bag unless I can get comfortable with the shot.  Great for practicing spares though.
