Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: billdozer on September 03, 2010, 03:47:40 PM
I cant believe that my buddy had trouble with the ball tonite in league, but its drilled pretty aggressive and had polished applied, and ball just didnt do a thing right. Ive soo much great stuff about this ball and seen plenty thrown as well. The ball was over under like crazy, but we had high 700's on our pair tonite so i dont wanna blame the lanes like many do!
Is it fresh polish that made it squirelly at the break point cuz thats all i can think of? I thought that the ball didnt have a chance at oob surface on wood lanes with a medium oil shot so we all came to the conclusion that polish would be the key cuz thats what he usually does with everything (corner, sauce, special agent, im going way back here)
anyone got any ideas? I told him he was crazy for changing the surface right away without throwing it first and he will have to wear down the polish and it should even out alright. I told him that if was recomended and rolled supremely well with polish it woulda came that way in the first place...
thanks in advance
my asenal..