For whatever it's worth,
I suspect that for some people and some drillings the balls will be similar.
Being that the Freeze uses a much newer coverstock than the Messengers, I believe that should really change the basic Freeze reaction compared to the Black & Gold.
Aside, my BSP Messenger pearl also handles today's medium-light patterns but in a much smoother way than the Freeze. The BSP had a lower RG than the Black/Gold and lower than the Freezez.
The Freeze also has a larger differential but all 3 still handle today's medium-light oil patterns.
The Freeze's basic surface is 4000 grit + polish. The Messenger's were around 2000 grit + polish. That indicates the Freeze cover is slightly stronger than Super-Flex, in general.
Interesting question, though. Hope this helps.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."