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Author Topic: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day  (Read 2001 times)


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Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« on: February 08, 2008, 05:26:49 AM »
After not really liking the Resurgence for about the first month or 2 I had it I began to find what it liked and didn't like and began to think it was a pretty good ball. Now about a month later I am finding this ball is just a beast as long as there is oil.

This morning in league I has my high two-game total in league, with a 546. I bowled a 184 the first game with the Rival and decided that I should switch to the Resurgence due to lack of carry in the 2nd frame of the 2nd game. Proceeded to throw the next 8, then a 4 pin spare strike for a 269. The third game front 2 then tugged one for a 6,10 spare. Then struck til the final fill shot and left a 6 pin for a 277.  

If I would have started with the Resurgence I might have had a good chance at a 800. Sucks that I lost almost every jackpot by 1-5 pins. Could have won almost 400 instead only won 60 bucks, but oh well. 730 isn't my best series, but the 2 games stretch was probably the best I have had. I can see that 800 in my sights.



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Re: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2008, 01:33:01 PM »
It is a great ball, but I was never able to use it for 3 games.. For me it was a great 2nd and 3rd game ball in the place I bowl the most.. I shot 300 the 2nd game with it a couple of months ago in league and shot two 190 games around it!! LOL.. Thats pretty bad..

Great ball though..
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Re: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 05:25:45 PM »
I just shot 708(236,238,234) with mine. This ball lets me play my A game even when the lanes have a lot of oil.
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Re: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 05:30:21 PM »
I really like my Resurgence. I keep it at 4000 grit for the most part. I have very early rolling drilling on it and I get a great move down lane with it at 4000 grit. It just gets into a strong roll in the mids and continues through the backend for me on heavier oil conditions.

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Re: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 05:50:51 PM »
I have been throwing one as well as my "primary" league ball.  Like Mike, I had to finsh the surface to 4000 grit Abralon.  Mine has pin above ring (about 5" to PAP), no weight hole.  This ball makes one of the strongest moves I have seen in a while...  but consistant.  I think this is one of the balls that I'm going to be holding onto for a while..

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Re: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2008, 03:33:59 PM »
I have found 2000 grit to be the sweet spot for me.


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Re: Resurgence...I just keep liking it more every day
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2008, 11:50:28 AM »
I left the Resurgence OOB except I put a light hand polish on it because there was too much friction out there without the polish.  With this surface, it needs a little oil in the heads, but it's controllable at the break, this is probably the strongest ball I've ever thrown.  It still handles nearly as much oil too.