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Author Topic: Rival vs. Gamebreaker  (Read 1191 times)


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Rival vs. Gamebreaker
« on: October 11, 2007, 07:36:01 AM »
I have a gamebreaker, which I really like. I have a label drilling on it and I would consider it fairly strong on medium oil. However, I am very interested in the Rival. I am wondering how different these balls are? Would I be wasting my time in getting one. My Raid is starting to crack and I don't really care for it anyways. I only really can throw it on drier lanes (maybe my drilling?). So when I get it replaced I might see if my pro shop will replace it with a Rival.


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Re: Rival vs. Gamebreaker
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 12:13:38 AM »
The Rival should be a couple boards less than your GameBreaker.  Chris has thrown both of these balls and the Rival is a little cleaner through the mid lane and hooks a couple of boards less overall.
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Re: Rival vs. Gamebreaker
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2007, 09:44:25 AM »
I was told my label drilling on the Gamebreaker was a weak drilling. Is tht true? So uf I got a stronger drilling on the Rival it would probably be about the same amount of ball??