Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: bighook69 on November 02, 2005, 11:52:44 AM
Well, last week in league saw the EPX in action! And all i can say is, WnoW, yah WnoW, sorta like WOW and NO
. 3 games i watched and played against it, me more of a power player and him a stroker. I was laying my Phenom down at 27 and it was going out to about 5 and back with tonsof power, too much power on a lot of shots, backends seemed very dry that day, with perfect hold up to about 40 feet, then LEFT the ball went. He was playing laydown at 10 and straight up from there, breakpoint was at about 30 feet (no kidding) and was rolling out totally when it hit 30 feet, no hit at all. In the 3rd game though, he made a bigger adjustment (finally) and moved in, laying it down at about 20 and throwing it out to a breakpoint near 15, which he seemed to find the oil he needed there. It was amazing watching this guy with TONS of forward roll throw that ball, as is the case with forward roll you get an early ball reaction, but he was getting the ball to break at about 5 feet infront of the pin deck!!! And the ball was just SNAPPING off of 15 into the pocket, with quite a bit of backend, I'll say that I had more but i was playing way deeper as well, with more power. I was pretty impressed with the EPX really, and talked to him about the ball.
He said that he just got it and was really not liking what he was getting from it the first 2 games, but the third he was really loving it, and that the ball had great pin carry, i had to agree.
I noticed that his ball was drilled with pin above ring finger and CG in palm.
SlickTape Advisory staff member
Evolutionary - Revolutionary
The Revolution
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Yeah, mine is drilled about the same. The ball does not give much backend reaction on most of the conditions that I play in, but it does give GREAT midlane and AMAZING control and consistency. It seems to react exactly the same on almost ALL the lane conditions I have thrown it on... It is a pretty wild ball to say the least. Many people have a misconception about this ball that it is a freakish hook-monster and is going to rip splinters out of the lane and that is just not going to happen. It is partially Columbia's fault for marketing the ball the way they did... JMO. I think this is the best control ball I have ever thrown myself, and the best I have ever seen thrown thus far. It is never the first ball out of my bag, but whenever I get to a difficult pattern that I just cannot seem to figure out right away, I pull the EPX out of the bag, play a conservative stroker line, and watch the X's pile up.
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It seem to be a great ball in this guys hands! He was using it today and was playing deeper than i have ever seen him play! And he seemed to be getting great pin carry and good backend, I only watched him through 5 shots so i didn't see that much but his average has gone up a good 10 pins over the last 2 weeks of using the EPX!!!
SlickTape Advisory staff member
Evolutionary - Revolutionary
The Revolution
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I saw amatuer staffer Mac Stewart throw it a bit at our national championships a few weeks ago, the motion of this ball does take you back to the classic Hammer days.
Head to the archive for my vid and lots of Aus Lefties too (look for Adrian Shelton down near the bottom)
Morpheous= The Omega core with a brain!!!!
hmmm.... Was talking to the guy who has the EPX, about what he thaught about the ball and he said its CRAP! I was pretty supprised at what he saud and had to find out why, he said it DOES hit really really hard BUT it hardly hooks at all for him, he threw his Old hammer Nail and the EPX and the Nail out hooked the EPX by a number of boards, i was pretty supprised, he also said it doesn't hook in the oil at all eigher, which I could see but overall i was pretty suprised at what he thaught of the ball, perhaps next time there columbia huh?
note: he owns the Messenger Ti (silver and gold one), and Hyde and the EXP from Columbia so he has a bit of columbia to compare it to.
SlickTape Advisory staff member
Evolutionary - Revolutionary
The Revolution
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