Last week I told of how the Action Max responded to a hot water bath. Well, as I said, I gave the Packed a bath also. I then cleaned it and polished it by hand with Lane masters polish.
At the Lanes I used my Masterpiece for game 1 then switched to the Packed. After chopping the 6 off the 10, I threw the next 8 for 257. I went south in game 3 because of a leg problem, but the Packed really responded to the hot water bath. The 257 was worth an $85 pot.
Tonight I pick up the Action Attack at the pro shop. I got it from my son and had it plugged and re-drilled. I got all of my Actions from my son as he re-built his arsenal. I hope the Attack is as good as the other two.
I've been reading with much interest the threads on the Resurgence, Rival and Momentum. And I'd love to have them all. But if the Action Max, Packed and Attack keep treating me right, I'll have to wait on the new stuff.
Barnes looked good early on with the Momentum and the Rival. But my son has his eye on the Insane after watching Sunday nights show.
Joe from Buffalo