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Author Topic: So I got a Disorder  (Read 5608 times)


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So I got a Disorder
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:45:44 PM »
I had put a deposit down on a Pivot Point 2 weeks ago, but decided the Pivot would be more for me.  Went to go pick it up on Friday and the shop offered me a better deal on a Disorder, so I jumped at it.  Man am I glad I did.

I wanted the Disorder to get some midlane roll and continue on through to the pocket, and it does just that.  In 3 games I only left 1 tuckenfenpin.... just one, and I was around the pocket the whole set.  That's an accomplishment for me, having just come back to bowling after about 4 years away and having to re-tool my game due to physical illness.

I was playing between the first and second arrows.  Didn't have much belly room.  Basically a rocket to the pocket with a set-up and turn to the pocket.

The ball was really shaking 'em up on the light hits.  I think this is what impressed me the most.

The heavy roll that it gets reminds me of my old Champions Green Dragon from way back when. 

I will be keeping it in it's out of the box finish at least for now.  I don't put a lot of revs on the ball, I have moderate speed, and the shot at our local house is really oily right now.  It's pairs up really nicely with my Cyclone, which gets pretty long and turns left.

Anyways, really happy with it.



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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 07:30:42 AM »
good for you
I think that this is 1 of the better balls in the EBI line-up.
i left mine at OBB for a while. now have it at 500 + polish for my THS pattern
gives me some length and still has some teeth left for the pins

with the gamebreaker2 out now, it will also be right up there as a top performer


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2014, 08:31:24 AM »
The Disorder is indeed a very heavy rolling ball for my style (old-school stroker).
It has a lower diff core. For me, this ball is condition specific. It works best if
I need to play up the boards. It is not a ball that I can push right. It is also
a great ball to use on some of the fresh, flatter patterns where breakpoint control is critical.  It is by no means a big "boomer"-type ball in my hands.


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 11:58:11 AM »
I have a Disorder too, its called buying too many bowling balls.


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 12:42:05 PM »
The Disorder is one of the better bowling balls that doesn't get enough attention. I used mine on the USBC Singles pattern in Reno, and wish I had taken it out sooner.
If the Disorder had a bolt etched on the side, it would be a huge seller. I don't know if there is a better ball available at it's price point.


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2014, 02:55:09 PM »
"If the Disorder had a bolt etched on the side, it would be a huge seller."

+1000. too many balls have this fate. disorder, pure swing, eruption pro, vow, arson low flare etc


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2014, 03:13:31 PM »
Would like to see Columbia incorporate the Bend It Pearl coverstock (Vow) on a future release.


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2014, 02:09:42 AM »
While the Disorder is 1 of the few C300 balls I don't have. I have drilled a few up for customers. My Girlfriend being 1 of them. They have all been lower rev rate bowlers. It amazes me that the ball starts up as soon as it does. Yet , still provides a very strong continuation through the pins. I could see it being a great ball for any bowling style. I could see rev dominant bowlers creating a ton of room with this ball. I also agree that this ball is a major sleeper. I feel like C300 has quite a few sleeper balls. The Disorder is easily in the top 3 at it's price point. I won't post anything about the other sleepers I feel C300 has. As this post was just about the Disorder. I'm glad you are enjoying your Disorder....... Anthony.


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2014, 10:17:56 PM »
Just got one...second drill. Modified RICO.

Averaging 235 with it for the first 8 games. Feel like I have the entire building. Only at the end of the first 6 game block did I feel i had chased it too far to the inside and did not have enough to get it off the spot aggressively enough to carry...perhaps it is just because I am old...

Games of 246,257,262,233,215,181,257,228...

Wish I could buy a couple more and go with some additional drillings...

Which leaves me asking the following?

Why does it seem Ebonite only puts out solids and hybrids and Columbia only puts out hybrids and pearls anymore? Maybe it is just me....Why not a complete line within each manufacturer?

Must make too much sense, I guess....


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2014, 07:05:41 AM »
Just got one...second drill. Modified RICO.

Averaging 235 with it for the first 8 games. Feel like I have the entire building. Only at the end of the first 6 game block did I feel i had chased it too far to the inside and did not have enough to get it off the spot aggressively enough to carry...perhaps it is just because I am old...

Games of 246,257,262,233,215,181,257,228...

Great bowling!
"It's the Indian, not the arrow."
It's the bowler, not the ball.

Wish I could buy a couple more and go with some additional drillings...

Which leaves me asking the following?

Why does it seem Ebonite only puts out solids and hybrids and Columbia only puts out hybrids and pearls anymore? Maybe it is just me....Why not a complete line within each manufacturer?

Must make too much sense, I guess....

The "lines" are complete, because
"You don't buy a ball; you buy a ball reaction."

These days solids CAN react like we used to think only pearls could react.
Pearls CAN react just like we think only solids could react.
Hybrids can be like either one.
More depends on the core/coverstock combination than whether the cover is solid or a pearl. And much more depends on the surface.

You seem to be an excellent bowler already. I think you'd be better off if you learn to have more confidence in yourself and not in the ball type. Understand the basic reaction designed into the ball and buy what suits your game and the conditions you face.

Think of a ball as a black box, not knowing what's inside or how it's wrapped. Like any "gift", it's not how it's wrapped that's important; it's what it does and how well that decides how much we like it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: So I got a Disorder
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2014, 07:07:57 AM »
Solid advice from. Charlest