Every year we have a group of people go bowling on the night before thanksgiving. We usually go to the house play leagues in. They have 3 man league there on Wednesday nights and thats what I was following.
Well I decided to take some old equipment to the lanes instead of what I take leagues (I already know how my current arsenal will do). So I load up four balls: White Dot (I use this one in leagues), Purple Quake, CSI Wild Fire, and Cuda/C.
Started throwing the Quake first. Couldn't find a line for the first 5 frames. This ball was jumping a little too much or just not finishing right. The lanes were pretty oily so I new the Wild Fire was out of the question. So I go to the Cuda/C. WOW! And I mean WOW! I didn't quite line up on the first shot, but once I made the right adjustment, I was ripping the pins apart.
This ball still had plenty of kick. I only had one open all nite. I don't what it is but this ball seems to really work for me. I tried different lines, played it straight in the oil: STRIKE. Played it out to edge: Came Back hard and STRIKE! It was amazing.
I think I am going to put in the bag for my next league and try it out. I have kept it in pretty good shape over the years. I wish I had another one.
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.
Andrew Carnegie